Chapter 24: Big Time Wedding.

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"I can't do this." It was half an hour before the wedding and I was pacing back and forth. "I'm freaking out, Lex."

"Joni, calm down." She places her hands on my shoulders and I let out a deep sigh.

"I'm not ready for this, I mean I love Logan but I can't do this."

"Joni, you're more then ready for this. You love Logan, Logan loves you. That's all you need."

"What if he doesn't like the dress?"

"He won't even care, you could show up in a trash bag and he'll still marry you."

"That's not true. He will care. Do you know how many snap-backs that guy has? SNAP-BACKS! He cares a lot." My breathing is way too heavy.

"Joni, Joni. Relax, okay. Everything will be perfect. You and Logan have been through so much that this marriage is just a formality. You have a beautiful son-."

"Jason." I turn around walking over to him. He giggles as he sees me. "Hey there little guy." I say stroking his little cheek. He's the only one that can calm me down right now. There was a knock on the door. I look up and see Kendall peek his head through.

"It's time." He said quietly.

"Oh no." I start to hyperventilate. Alexa walked over to me as did Kendall.

"Joni, look at me." Kendall took my head in between his hands. "Chillax, everything is going to be great." I nod but I still haven't fully calmed down. Before I knew it I was alone. I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths. There was another knock but I didn't respond in any way.

"Are you ready?" I hear a male voice ask. I open my eyes to see my father in front of me. I smile and nod. He takes me by my arm and leads me to the front of the church. The music started playing which meant I had to walk down the aisle. And I did. My legs were shaking but I made it to the altar. My dad kisses my cheek and handed my hand to Logan. Logan took my hand and kissed it. Every one took their seat and the ceremony started.

"Today we are all gather here together to support Joni and Logan in there journey of marriage." The priest started the ceremony. "Marriage is symbolised with a ring. A ring is round and without an end, just like the love of two people is forever." Logan took my hand in his and I smiled at him. "Now I believe you've written your own vows." The priest asked. We both nodded. Logan took one of the rings [See multimedia] and turned himself at me. He took a deep breath.

"Joni. Baby, I love you. That day you smiled at me I immediately fell in love. I knew you had to be mine, every other girl in the world didn't matter to me anymore. Today I can finally officially make you mine by giving you this ring." He puts the ring on my finger and looks at my lips. "Damn I want to kiss you so badly right now." I chuckled as did some other people in the church. I looked in his eyes and got lost in them.

"Joni?" The priest brought me out of my trance.

"Oh, yeah, my turn." I took a deep breath trying to gain some courage. "Logie, you made my dreams come true. I've been a Rusher since the start and you've always been my favorite. Sorry guys." I look over at Logan's best men and see them chuckle. I look back into Logan's eyes. "I wanted you to be mine, just like millions of other girls, but 4 years later I was so lucky to meet you guys and work with you guys. And wonder by wonder you fell in love with me too. Now I'm extremely happy I can officially call you mine." I shove the ring on his finger and we both smile.

"If anybody objects to this marriage would you please speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest says next.

"These two can not get married!" We hear someone scream. Everyone gasped. Fear washed over me. I looked at the doors and saw...Nicholas. This can't be. This is just another nightmare. Nicholas is in jail. He walked closer to us. Logan wrapped his arms around me, protectively, but Nicholas ripped me lose. He puts his arm around my neck, backing me up. "If I can't have you, no-one can." He pulled out a gun and puts it to my head. "And especially not him." He nods his head towards Logan and I see Logan boiling with anger. I see him get closer.

"Logan don't!" I shout. "He has a gun!" He gets even closer.

"Back up!" Nicholas shouts and points the gun towards Logan. He just stands there.

"Do it Logan, please." I begged, tears streaming down my face. I expected to cry today but not in a situation like this. "Please." He puts his hands up in defence and backs up a few steps. "Fine, take me with you, but please don't hurt him." He sways the gun around, pointing it at no-one in particular. He backed me out and right before we were about to go out the door I heard a gunshot.

"Logan!" I shout, trying my hardest to get out of his grip. The doors swing open.

"Police! Drop your weapon!" Nicholas didn't move. "Drop your weapon!" They shouted even more firm. He lets the gun fall to the ground and the police takes him away. Right before they drag him out he shouts.

"I love you, Joni!" I swear that guy is a creep. I waist no time to run up to Logan and kneel down next to him. He groaned weakly.

"Everything will be okay, sweetie." I whispered and stroked his hair. "Everything will be okay." I kissed his forehead.

"J-Jo." He tried to say.

"Shh. It's okay, baby."

"I love you." He breaths out and closes his eyes. The paramedics came and took him away. I didn't hesitate to follow them.

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