Chapter 15: Meet the parents.

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We were in a cab on our way to Logan's parents. I underestimated this. I'm so nervous. What if they don't like me. Or Jason, what if they don't accept him as their grandson. Logan noticed my nervousness. It's like he knows what's going on in my head right now. He laid his hand on my leg. "They're going to love you." Everything I could do was giving him a weak, nervous smile. "Relax." He kissed my lips. "I love you and so will they, and they'll love Jason too." he rubbed my leg with his thumb. He moved my hair away and gave me a light peck on my neck. He looked out the window. "We're here." I was really freaking out right now. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. Logan payed the driver and got out aswel. The driver took our luggage out of the trunk. Logan puts the duffelbag around him and takes our suitcase. He puts his free hand around my waist and led me to the back yard, where everyone was already sitting at a table. "Hey everyone."

"Logan!" Presley shouted running to Logan. She wrapped her arms around him. His parents stood up.

"Mom, dad, Presley, this is Joni, the love of my live." He kissed my cheek and I blushed at the way he had introduced me.

"Nice to meet you." I shook their hand.

"And this is Jason." He continues and stroked Jason's cheek.

"Can I hold him?" Pamela asked me.

"Yeah sure." I smiled and handed her my son.

"You guys can go fresh up, I'll take care of this little guy." I smiled and nodded. Logan took my hand in his and led me to his old bedroom. He puts our luggage on and next to his bed. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him close to me, crashing my lips onto his. The nerves make me want him. Logan chuckles a little.

"What has gotten into you?"

"Well your mom is taking care of Jason." I pushed him onto the bed.

"Here?" He asked while I climbed on top of him.

"What? It's not like you've never done it here before."

"Actually, I've never done it here before." Unbelievable. "But we really should get freshed up, don't want to keep them waiting for too long down there. Shower together?" I smiled and nodded. He picked me up and we showered together. Nothing happened. We got dressed again. When I wanted to put on some make up Logan snatched it away.

"Logan." I whined. He sat down on the counter.

"What? You don't need this." I gave him a not so serious glare. He puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer. "You're perfect, just the way you are." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips. "Let's head downstairs." I nodded.

❤ All Over Again. ❤ (sequel to Love Me Again.) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now