Chapter 10: Coming home.

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Logan's P.O.V.

Every day of the week I kept visiting Joni. She still doesn't remember me and it hurts. I keep telling her things from the past. Things that happened with her or between us. I brought Jason every day too, she takes care of him but I think she still feels like it's not her son. Today is the day she can come home. Yes, she's coming home to our house. I hate the fact that it's going to be so awkward for her but where else should she go? I entered  the hospital room. "Are you ready to go?"

"I guess so." She says zipping up her suitcase. I pick up her suitcase and Joni walked over to Jason. "Hey there little guy." Jason smiled. She tickled him which made him giggle. "Let's go." She pushed the stroller while I carried her lugage. The drive home was rather quiet. When we arrived at the house her expression was exactly the same as the first time I brought her here. Ironicly she was coming from the hospital too. She was amazed. "This is where we live?" I nodded. We all went inside. "So where's the guest room?"

"No, no, no, you're sleeping in the master bedroom. I'll take the guestroom."

"Logan." She sighed. "I don't want you to do that for me."

"No, it will only make me feel worse to know you're sleeping there and not in your own bed."

"Fine. But only because it'll make you feel better." A small smile spread across my face. I took her suitcase upstairs, while she walked around the house, discovering it again. I put everything from the suitcase away and go back downstairs finding Joni in the backyard with Jason in her arms. I stood at the door for awhile just admiring my view. "Having fun there?" Joni brought me out of my thoughts. I shake my head to completely come back to reality.

"Sorry." She chuckles a little and hands me Jason.

"I'm going to take a little nap." I nod. Her next move surprised me. She kissed my cheek. But  it saddened  me at the same time. I just wish she gets her memory back, fast.


this one is dedicated to Nat cause she yelled and screamed at me cause I didn't update xD Sorry Nat =( and also because I love her and she is amazing and she keeps writing me imagines which is totally awesome, I want to request so much imagines that I think she'll need to start a new book especially for me xD anyway I didn't feel like sleeping after all, so I'm updating and it's like 4am now xD

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