Strange. Chapter 5.

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It's hurts so much, I think I was going to die. I wanted to scream, cry en run, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move. I saw her black eyes inside my head. It felt like she was pulling my eyes out, like she stabbed two knifes in my eyes. But then, at once, she looked straight into my eyes. She bleeded more that she did before and her whole face turned black. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, the girl was gone..

'Brook?' 'Brook?' 'It's me, Lois!' I wanted to ask a lot of questions, but the only thing that came out of my mouth was: 'Wh..what ar..are doing... here?' I didn't get a answer but she said; 'Don't look for me, you will never find me.' I wanted to ask her more, but then..

'Brook?' 'It's time to get up honey!' said my mom. 'It was just..... It was just a dream...?' It felt like it was real. Like Lois was back. Somewhere it feels good to see Lois again, even if it has to be in my dreams. But on the other side, it hurts. I miss Lois so much. I miss my life.

My weekend was over so school was there again. I didn't want to go. So I walked to my mirror. did some make up on my face, did my hair, dressed up and went down the stairs. I didn't want to eat. So I grabbed my back and went to school. I closed the door but then.. I saw the black eyes of the girl in my head again. I felt the pain in my eyes just for one second. I was scared. Should this be some new thing about me? Am I turning into a psycopath? No I can't it's impossible! It was just a nightmare..
*Beep beep* It was my phone. I didn't want to read it. I was scared, would it be a scary message again? I looked at my phone and yes.. It was a scary textmessage.

"Pain is fine, blood is good".

What does that mean? Should I answer? Or should I ignore it like I do everytime? I don't know.. I just ignore it like I do everytime.

I needed to go to my math class, I wanted to walk in but then.. Someone pulled be back with it's hand on my shoulder. I turned around and... It was Luke, it was a old friend of me and Lois but we didn't talk after Lois went missing. 'Heyy giryyy, how are yha doingg?' I didn't want to talk so I said I was in a hurry because I had to ask something about math. I walked into the classroom and I took place by the window. But when I looked outside.. I saw the girl with black hair, black evil eyes and blood, a lot of blood. I closed my eyes and when opened them, the girl was gone..

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