Chapter 15 - He's The Yoko Ono That's Going To Tear Us Apart

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Chapter 15 - He's The Yoko Ono That's Going To Tear Us Apart

Sometimes a moment comes and stays for so much more than just one moment that passes without a second thought. Your entire world comes to a standstill at a single sound and movement that has a greater meaning than just something defined as a footnote in our full and varied lives. And then the moment is gone but the pain of it would remain seared into your heart forever as a cruel reminder of how fickle life truly is.

They say that when your heart breaks that a guy is usually a culprit. It’s either a guy who lies to get into your bed or a guy who goes all out to get into your heart but they both end up walking out of that door without looking back. We throw around the word heartbreak so carelessly and bestow upon guys the responsibility of ensuring that they don’t hurt us. Yet true heartbreak comes losing something so precious that the light in your life dims and life seems that bit scarier and lonelier. Losing Harry was a pain that I could deal with but I couldn’t lose my mother - she was my entire world.

I wrinkled my nose in disgust as the disinfectant smell of the hospital hit me and I tried to avert my eyes away from the image of a man in A & E drenched in crimson blood as he slurred obscenities at the nurses. My heart clenched at the thought of the state that my mother would be in and I couldn’t help the shiver that ran through me as realisation hit that I may never get to hold her again or tell her how much I love her. It’s the little things you remember at times like this like when we had one of our late night conversations when dad and Jake went to bed and she told me that I should never settle for anything less than I deserve.

“Mum,” I groaned as I took a sip of my hot chocolate. “You’re my mother, you have to say that.”

“No, I don’t,” she asserted rolling her eyes. “Never ever lower your expectations because you deserve everything you wish for. Any guy would be lucky to be with you and you know I don’t say this stuff for the sake of it.”

“But I don’t want a guy,” I protested.

“Let everything happen naturally. It all works itself out. You know, I didn’t like your father like that when we first met at university. He was a nice enough guy but I didn’t fancy him,” she reminisced while getting this really goofy smile on her face.

"I've heard this so many times!" I cried. "You thought he was all geeky and then BAM you had the hots for his great personality. BLAH BLAH BLAH."

"We got to know each other and before I knew it I fell for his quirky little habits like taking over an hour to decide what to order only to just get his regular or the way that he babbles on when he’s nervous,” she continued ignoring me.

“So you love him because he acts like a fool?”

“I love him because we’re both a pair of fools madly in love even after all these years. He’s not the best looking guy in the world but he’s gives me that feeling of security which is undeniable. That’s why you should never settle, Sophia, because something better is always around the corner.”

“Like Ryan Gosling,” I dreamily sighed.

“Oh yeah,” my mother nodded in agreement. “That guy’s a BILF.”

My eyes widened in mortification at what my mother had just said. “Mum!” I exclaimed uneasily. “Do you even know what that means?”

“Yeah,” my mother said while taking a bite of her chocolate digestive. “Boy I would like to Facebook. Angie said she heard it off her daughter who was going on about this BILF at her school.”

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