Chapter 6 - Pretentious Hipsters And John Lennon Glasses

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Dedicated to Meg Cabot because The Princess Diaries books were the ones that inspired my love for reading and writing. All her work is amazing and even as I get older I can still relate to Mia and her awkward moments. Thank you, Meg.

I was wearing a black floral print colour block boxy shirt that was far too dainty to be wearing with shorts so I paired it with my faded, light blue jeans. I added a studded pair of black flats to give it an extra bit of edge because I was cool like that you see. The whole ensemble certainly didn't scream that I was full of knowledge and wisdom, but I added a black belt and set out to perfect my make-up.

I usually just had the same make up tricks, mainly because I was too lazy to try something new and I didn't want my face resembling the Joker. I was allowed to wear make-up at 14, and to say it was a trial - and - error process would be a major understatement. I used to match my eye shadow to my outfits everyday but unfortunately took no care in matching my foundation to my skin tone.

I only have a few signature things I do to look somewhat presentable, like I lightly put on eye liner on the top lid of my eye and added shimmery pastel eye shadow to make them look brighter. I then slicked on my 'Ruby Tuesday' lipstick in a 'oh, I'm so sophisticated and chic in a Parisian type of way' way. After scrutinising my hair for five minutes and vowing that one day it will go the way I want it to, I tied it up in a resigned way. I inspected myself in the mirror and decided that while I'm sure Karl Largfield would have a fashion heart attack if he saw me, this was as good as it was ever going to get.

I had reached the front door when I heard my mother calling my name from the living room. I sighed as I way running late as it was but slugged of to where she was resting.

"Where are you going, honey?" she asked looking away from the TV where Dora was going exploring. Seriously, where were that girl's parents that she went of wandering all the time in eccentric places while talking to strangers? I didn't get the appeal but Jake was perched on my dad's lap right in front of the TV with in head in his hands and looking at the screen in wonderment.

"I'm going to help...a friend," I decided to say finally because it was easier than going 'oh, you know, I'm going to go see this guy that I hate, who also happened to kiss me and thinks that I'm in love with him because of my stupid friends, so I can help his gay brother'. Yeah, it wouldn't have gone down well.

"Ok," she said rubbing her growing belly and I couldn't get over the tired look in her eyes. She was four months gone now and you could see the pregnancy had taken a strain on her. She was still beautiful but this wasn't a backhand way of giving myself a compliment since we were very different. She had pale skin like a snowdrop where as I had inherited my father's tanned complexion and general awkwardness.

"How about when I get back then maybe I could run you a bubble bath and then afterwards we could watch NCIS?" I asked leaning against the door way.

My mother's face lit up as her dark eyes looked over at me. "That would be great. What's brought this on? Have you gone over your phone bill again?"

I rolled my eyes at the memory of when I had gone over £50 pounds on my phone bill because that particular month Dina went to stay with her grandmother and needed someone to relieve her of her boredom from discussing how 'things we different back in the day' and all the 'poofs' had no shame in her small seaside town.

"Can't I do something nice without being questioned over my motives?" I asked narrowing my eyes when I saw my parents share a disbelieving look. "Don't even answer that."

I whirled around and headed over to the front door before my parents could go off into a tirade about how I always seemed to turn into Little Miss Sunshine whenever I wanted something. Ok, so this may have been true but I was capable of being caring so I don't see why it seems so implausible.

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