Chapter 19 - 'You're Not George Foreman So Get Out Of My Grill.'

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READ: So Finn & Sophia didn't get together, I took that out. The story is now set after Sophia told Lucy about Finn & they made that list. It's not that confusing I hope :)

 “Hey, Drew!” I wanted to cringe at how fake I sounded. “How are you?”

“What do you want?” he asked warily like us casually meeting in the park was some elaborate plan set up by me.

I faked contempt. “What makes you think I want anything?”

He gave a throaty little chuckle as I quirked an eyebrow. “You got that high pitched voice again with that goofy smile and that means you want something.”

“Is it that obvious?” I questioned my lack of persuasion skills.

“It is when you're channelling a bimbo to boost my ego to get me to help you, Davis.”

“Just be thankful I don't flutter my eyelashes and giggle, Harries, otherwise you would really stand no chance.”

“I like your giggles,” he smirked. “They're cute.”

Just like that Drew had once again rendered me speechless. If I didn’t know any better I would have said he was flirting but our friendship was strictly platonic and filled with angst ridden problems. I wasn’t used to compliments from guys and my mind went blank as only one thought went through it – Drew thinks I have cute giggles. Is he joking?? He thinks I have cute giggles.THIS IS NOT GOOOOOD.

I hated how he knew he had me tongue tied as he smirked down at me and I tried so hard to get myself together because this was only a boy. “Thanks,” I said while awkwardly clearing my throat. “But unless you’re George Foreman get out of my grill and go find another girl to fill because I’m way too smart to fall for what you’re selling.”

“You know, you sound good when you’re annoyed,” he declared as he tried to throw me off and I hated how his honey-toned voice, which sounded too damn sincere for my liking, was working.

“And you sound like you’re full of B.S, Coolio.”

I didn’t know whether to feel slight pride or anger as Drew let out a hearty laugh that caused people to glance our way. “You’re still trying to guess my middle name, Davis? Let. It. Go.”

“I will once you stop with those stupid flirtatious lines,” I snorted before widening my eyes in horror.

I wasn’t meant to say that out loud. It was incredibly presumptuous of me to assume that Drew was flirting when in fact he could just have been teasing like usual. Question: what’s the difference between teasing and flirting? The real question, however, was why I did my heart beat that bit faster when he whipped out those lines? We usually mockingly insulted each other to see who could come up with the most creative and wittiest quip yet after the whole ‘not so casual giving of a poster for a dance about love’ there was an undertone of something deeper.  

Before I knew it, as I was busy chiding myself, he leaned down so close that I could feel his breath warm on my neck as he whispered in my ear. “Could you be any prettier?”

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