Moving On

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Karen died a month ago, leaving Amelia an orphan. Being the only child alive from the entire family only turned her into a multi-billionaire. The harsh reality of it is that she lost her chance to have a normal childhood before eighteen. The family business is being taken care of by her father's lawyer, Mr. Smith. She only signed extremely important papers and attended meetings of the same level, therefore she seldom attended meetings.
Each member of the trio is rich but Amelia was the richest and the youngest of the three. All three were best friends from childhood but Amelia and Ryder are closest. The trio is not the kind of people who is always in the spotlight or likes being on the headlines,hence, they keep a low profile.
Ryder Simpson is twenty six years old with hazel eyes and black silk hair. The dark skinned, medium-built 5' 9" man has a black belt in martial arts. Ryder is currently settled with Dahlia Young,unlike his buddy, Joshua Tucker. The twenty three year old also has a black belt. With brown eyes and brown thick hair, he's into business but also has his ways with women.
Amelia Caroline Richmond but only family called her Jada or Mel.The eighteen year old has emerald eyes,a small nose and full lips placed on a oval shaped face. Her chocolate colored skin body looks similar to Black Chyna or even Yanique 'the Curvy Diva' Barrett but a little smaller and possibly better since it's all natural. Being rich does not mean that she is spoilt, loves to belittle other people or hype, but tries to emulate a Christlike life.
Everything in her palace reminded her of her parents. So she decided to migrate. But the problem was where she would move to. As the youngest of the three, she was always under the protection of Ryder and Joshua, hence, when Amelia told them she was going to move, they didn't like the fact but were willing to support her decisions.

Two Years Later
"We're gonna miss you" Joshua says wiping a nonexistent tear.
"I am gonna miss you guys too"Amelia said as she was pulled in for a hug from the trio.
"What are you talking about Josh" Ryder said jokingly" I'm talking good riddance."
"Uhmmm.....Ryder, you seriously doubt that because you were the last person to make up your mind about her moving" Josh pointed out and wipes the half smile off his face.
"Thank you a lot Captain Obvious" Ryder retorted as they pulled out of the hug.
"The pleasure is mine Ry-Ry" Josh smirks while batting his eye lashes.
"We will visit every six months" Ryder says sternly, ignoring Josh.
"Yes dad" Amelia replied, trying to resist the urge roll her eyes." I'll see you guys later"
"Yea, later" the boys said in unison as she made her way to her private jet. Knowing that she hates saying goodbye, that is what they always say.
"It's a nine hour flight, Ms. Richmond" the air hostess said upon Amelia's arrival.
"Thanks Linda"
"Do you want anything to eat?"
"No, not yet"
"Okay, have safe flight" Linda said smiling as she walked away.
Amelia looked out the window and waved goodbye to her best friends, as well as to a life of sadness, depression and loneliness but smiled a warm haughty welcome to a new one. She then laid her head on the headrest and drifted off into a deep sleep.
Indeed, this is my first book but I really do hope y'all like it. Don't forget to comment and vote💜💜

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