Say What Now!!

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Sorry updating took so long. Had a couple examinations, but here's another one.
Amelia's pov

Well that was interesting. My morning run came rushing through my mind and I had no other option but to think about it. I made sure to swallow up my surroundings just like I was taught; like how there was a tree every two houses, a flower garden wired with weeds and cameras at the end of every block. Not to mention the land-rovers that had great difficulty silently creeping up and down the road. It felt as if eyes were boring into my head but that idiotic jerk ran into me.

Or maybe it's the other way around.
Great my sub conscience is siding with a total stranger. Can things get any better??


The phone came blasting through its speakers causing me knock over my cup of coffee and almost wetting my laptop. Well then. I picked up my phone to see Mr. Smith calling.
"Good morning sir and what can I get do for you at seven thirty on the morning?" I enquired.
"Well, hello to you too Ms. Richmond. I would like to speak to you in today at about nine. It's quite urgent," he said, getting to the chase just the way I like it.
" I'll see you where sir?"
"In front of the Hawthorne Industries building. Lopez, your new driver already knows where it is"
"Okay " I answered and hung up the phone. It's time to get ready. I made my breakfast, cleaned up my kitchen and was about to leave my kitchen when a well known voice said
"What's the sense of me still coming here to clean when you've already cleaned the house and kept it dust free?"
" I don't know", I replied with a knowing smile, " the house wants company I guess".
" oh please! Just get out of here with your foolishness" she said while throwing me a playful glare to which I chuckled and shrugged nonchalantly.
"Kicking me out of my own house!" I said dramatically, " wow! Never thought I'd see the day." I then started walking towards the exit of the kitchen. Then I turned around to see something round coming my way; however, thanks to my unwanted reflexes that came so natural,I dodged and it connected with the wall at the left of my head. With that, I literally flew out if the kitchen with her laughter getting less and less. But it only triggered a unwanted memories that oddly made the relationship between my parents and I stronger.
I made my way to my room and picked out my clothes for today.

I made my way to my room and picked out my clothes for today

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I had a bath and finished up my morning business. It was like a led bulb lit up in my head when I was realized I had no idea where I was going. Right away, I decided to call Mr.Smith. After two rings. He picked up.
" Ms. Richmond"
"Ummm...sir, what is the address of Hawthorne Industries?"
"Well miss, I told you Lopez will bring you there". Unfortunately, those aren't comforting words for me. I pulled on my undergarments and placed my towel in the laundry basket, while trying to formulate questions to ask this man nicely for the address. My head was spinning. "Are you still there, miss?"
"Yes, just please give the address to me sir"' I pleaded. Something wasn't right. I knew because of the hesitation in his voice when speaking and the shuffling in the background on the other side. I went and put on my makeup, giving myself a natural look. With the phone between my cheek and shoulder. I heard a shaky sigh escape from his mouth." Okay, fine. You'll see me there." I hung up my phone and sighed. It was now 7:17. I jumped up and pulled my dress on, stuck my feet in my stilettos and put my jewelry on. I then grabbed my purse and filled it with my essentials and left the house.

As soon as I stepped outside, a man dressed in full black took steady strides in my direction. Not approving of the dangerous aura that rolled off him, I took a steady stance preparing for anything to come. He stopped in front of me studying from head to toe with a serious look on his face. Familiar dark brown eyes stared at me. A small smirk appeared on his face but then he cleared his throat.
"Lopez at your service, ma'am. Your ride is now ready" he said with small, slightly nodding and then stepped to the side. I said a small thank you and made my way to the vehicle.

Twenty five minutes later, the big bold letters of Hawthorne Industries were looking at me. My phone rang and broke me out of my trance.
"Mr. Smith, I am outside of the building."
"Great, the fifty-ninth floor." With that he hung up the phone in my ears.

I walked clear glass doors which automatically but gracefully slid open. Eyes drilled into the back of my body but I chose to ignore them by walking faster. Not wanting to be in the spotlight. A hand was placed lightly at the top of my back. I jumped in surprise but soon recovered when she saw Ryder smirking at her.
"What the h-. What are you doing here?" I asked him quietly.
"We gave meeting to attend, miss" He said in a professional tone. That told me to keep my mouth shut. But now I know something is not right for Ryder only uses that tone when he detects something bad is going to happen.

Here we are at the office. Each step I took, my heart rate increased. My stomach did some unpleasant somersaults. Ryder stepped forward and knocked the door twice. A loud voice told us to come in and we both stepped through the doorway.

"Hello Ms. Richmond, please have a seat." Mr. Smith said and showed me a seat. I turned around looking for Ryder only to see him standing at the door with a blank expression written on his face. So I turned back to my family lawyer and gave him a questioning look to which he shrugged and then shook his head telling me not to say anything about it.

Alright! I'm starting to freak out now.

Mr. Smith kept fidgeting and started to perspire like he was the only source of water for the earth. He then started to hum, a method I realized he uses when he nervous, anxious or to keep himself calm. He kept his gaze at the papers that untidily decorated his desk, not once lifting them to look at me.
Fifteen minutes later, and the loud silence was piercing my eardrums. His jacket is off and is hanging on the back of the chair he is sitting on. Due to him sweating, his once white crisped shirt is now saturated by the bodily waste that came through his under shirt. My patience is not yet half but I will not continue to unintentionally torture him.

"Mr. Smith, please just spit it out"
I said sternly.

"You'regettingmarriedinfortyeighthours" he raced in one breath, leaving me utterly confused.

Getting married in forty eight hours...

"I'm sure that's quite impossible since I know not a man." I said voicing my confusion. "Say what now!" I shouted, standing up. Tears started to brim my eyes and I am not someone to show emotion.
"Calm do-" Mr. Smith said only to be interrupted by me.

"Don't you dear tell me to calm down! But how did I end up getting married, Mr. Smith?" I asked after taking a few deep breaths.

"I made a deal and I lost, which led to you getting married."

"Unbelievable, you are unbelievable!" I sneered at him through my tears. "Just so you know you I am not getting married. You better find a way to solve this problem."

"Actually, you have to."


"It's the only way of keeping the company and you not going bankrupt," he said lowly.

"Bankrupt!" From his announcement, I was looking forward to bad but he surpassed my expectations.

"There's no need for shouting Amelia" the lawyer with a flash irritation in his eyes. "Now stop whining because you can't do anything about it."

"Who do you think you are? You have lost the right to be on a first name basis with me. You and your uncontrollable ego made a deal deprived me a major part of my life. Now you are telling me to just go with the flow. I am twenty for Pete's sake! I've just started adulthood and you want me to get married." His face fell as l slapped him verbally. "You know what! I best be on my way." I lowered my voice to a soft whispered at the end of my speech. Tears were falling slowly by then. With that I exited the room and left the building.

Normally, people would be overwhelmed with happiness because they are getting married. Getting married to someone they love. Unfortunately, I have not the slightest clue of who I am going to spend the rest of my life with but I am going to keep my company. It's the only thing I have left of my family and I intend to keep it.

Long chapter above. Remember to vote and comment. 💜💜

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