See You Again?

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Amelia walked through her house, noting that there were only white marble walls. Remember to design house, she mentally noted. Suddenly, she felt a cloud of exhaustion over her head. A yawn bubbled up from her throat and then erupted. Her eyelids suddenly became heavy, so she made her way to her master bedroom. A prayer of thanksgiving was sent up from her heart and then surrendered to the darkness that crept upon her.

"Hello" Amelia said groggily, as she tried to rub the sleep from her eyes.
"Hello! Mel, you up?" The voice said chuckling.
"Ryder, it's four in the morning!"she whined, as swung her legs over the edge of the bed to check the time on the alarm clock.
"I know, why do you think I called?"
"Look, I don't live there anymore so there's no need for me to get up at four to work out, okay Ryder?" Nothing was said so she took this as a chance to continue" beside, who opens a gym at four in the morning"
"Says the girl who secretly owns more than half of the city she resides in through her family lawyer. Maybe don't own it all, or maybe you do but you just won't tell me"Ryder said tauntingly.She could feel him roll his eyes through the phone. Nobody knew that she owned the Richmond Enterprises, not even Ryder but that goes with exception of Mr. Smith, the family lawyer. Even the tabloids had no knowledge. People only knew that she was the daughter of the late, well known, one of the best business man, Franklin Richmond. At times, it would take people a good time to recognize her when she was out in public because of the low profile she kept and was demanded. Sometimes it gives a hard time not to tell Ryder about it but she resists from doing so. The only person she turns to in these times is God. At times, she would fast for days upon days trying to rid the burden she has, but somehow she kept receiving the vibe to tell her best friends but always refrained from doing so.
"You know, actually can we forget about that?" she stated honestly.
"Hey, are you planning to get settled relationship wise or are you going back to college?" Ryder asked all of a sudden.
What the hell man! I am the youngest and one of the best business person and you are asking me if I'm going back to school for business. This nigga must be out of his mind!
"No, I don't think so and only if I meet the settle down type. Why?" "Well, Josh is taking over the family business, so I just asked," she could tell that he was hiding something by the sound of his voice, but she couldn't put a finger on it. "Well, I'll call you later." He said leaving her in a deep sea of curiosity.
She then ignores the feeling she had and went and did her morning routine. She pulled out a blue adidas sweat suit and a pair of running sneakers. Her iPhone was pocketed with her earphones plugged in, along with a bottle of water and a towel, and on her way she went. Amelia stepped outside the house, and look up then down for anything suspicious. The sign of none gave her the green lights to go ahead. She started her morning jog and ran at a steady pace as fresh air assaulted her face. She popped in her earphone, listening to music that brought all serenity together in her head. Then and only then, she could ignore the barking dogs and the overflow of bins with the pests they attracted.

Slowly she came to a stop and checked her phone, only to realize that she had being running for forty five minutes. She looked behind and saw the four long unusual blocks she ran. She dropped to the ground, military style, and in five minutes completed thirty push ups. She then jumps up and looks behind her.
"Ten minutes left" she said thinking out loud. She turns around and suddenly crashes into something hard. An arm made it way around her 24 inches waist to help her maintain her balance. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly to control the throbbing in her head. Her palms were holding something hard, something she realizes that they were some rippling muscles. It was pretty hard for her to breathe, but as soon as she could she inhaled some manly vanilla scent. She then urged her mind to work.
"I'm really sorry! I didn't see you" she apologized, stepping out of his grip and avoiding his face.
"Yeah suure" he said dragging his last word, which was dripping with sarcasm" next time just look where you going. Got that?"
Nigga, what flew up your ass?!
Amelia shook her head and chuckled inwardly. She looked up at the handsome but ill mannered man standing in front of her. Familiarity struck her like when lighting a match.His eyes shone with confusion but sparkled with admiration and amusement. Now it's her turn to be irritated.
"You know what, good morning to you too. Thank you for not letting me fall flat in my butt." She said in a subtle manner an then took deep breath to maintain a calm composure.
"Yea whatever" he smirked. Amelia made a one eighty degree turn and started to walk away. She wiped the perspiration off her forehead and took a sip of her water. My phone! She thought to herself as she figured what she was missing. Abruptly, she stopped,turned around and saw him walking towards her with her phone in his hand and a wider smirk on his face.
"You forgot your phone," he says as he reached up to her. No shit Sherlock! She thought to herself but literally bit lip to stop the words from escaping. She took the phone from him, avoiding his face and flexing muscles. She then speeds off after finishing a quick mental check of what she was carrying.
"I really hope I see you again"
"Suure" she said, dragging her word. But soon walked off ending all unspoken conversations.
Long chapter above. I know.💜💜 remember to vote and comment.

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