The greatest lessons to be learned about marital relations and intimacy are found in none other than the Quran. In Surat Al-Baqarah, Allah beautifully describes spouses as garments to one another in an analogy that may sound simplistic to some. Rather, the profundity of this analogy will transform the way you view your spouse.
1. In the act of intimacy, spouses shed their clothes and envelop one another, covering each other's bodies, quite literally becoming garments to one another.
2. Garments cover up our physical 'awrah; likewise spouses should cover up our faults and spiritual 'awrah.
3. Garments protect us from external elements; likewise spouses protect us from societal problems and external desires.
4. Garments beautify us and complete our personality; likewise spouses do the same.
5. Garments are the closest things to our bodies; similarly spouses are the closest people to our hearts. Nothing should come between you and your spouse, both literally (as in intimacy) and metaphorically.
In just one word, Allah taught us these lessons on the purpose of intimacy and the role of sexuality in a marriage. Subhan Allah.
From Your brother,
~Yasir Qadhi
Half The Deen
SpiritualMarriage is considered "Half the Deen" (very important part of Islam Yet we are seeing failures in marriages all around us. Family Fights are on the rise, women and children are being abused and many families are falling apart. More and more marriag...