It's as simple as one plus one, but there are couples who don't even bother with this basic yet potent method. This trick to a couple's magnetism can quite literally and metaphorically create sparks!
It's the physical touch! Of course the sexual touch has its own power but I'm more specifically talking about the NON-sexual touch, the touch of compassion.
When we meet somebody why do we shake hands? In and of itself, a touch indicates friendship, opening up, solidarity and warmth. This is the culture of all humanity and in our Shariah, we're supposed to shake hands! Thus, how much more important is it that we have this physical touch with our spouses.
It is amazing that with some couples weeks will pass without a compassionate touch unless the man desires sexual interaction. When the only touching between a man and his wife is sexual, the wife will feel resentment.
Simply learn from the Prophet himself (sal Allahu alayhi wassalam). As soon as he entered his house, the first thing he would do is use the Miswak (i.e. clean his teeth and freshen up his breath). You can extrapolate from this that when the husband arrives, the first thing he should do is greet his wife with a kiss or a hug.
This is how you create that connection, warmth, care and love between you and your spouse.
Your brother,
~Yasir Qadhi
Half The Deen
SpiritualMarriage is considered "Half the Deen" (very important part of Islam Yet we are seeing failures in marriages all around us. Family Fights are on the rise, women and children are being abused and many families are falling apart. More and more marriag...