Tour startes

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Khloe's point of view
A moth later
I have been out of hospital for a month now and as much as I love kellin and Kayce I need space and to do stuff for my self as much as it is nice getting everything done for you but I feel useless and I don't like it. I walk into the kitchen to find kellin in there with his hands in his head I ask him what's up and he said management rang and said we have to go on tour. I sighed and he took me to the living room and Kayce and Andy are sitting there and kellin and say we have to leave for tour tomorrow that's when I lost it again I sadly smile at kellin and say I'm gonna miss you then I just sobbed
into his chest he said we can go with them but we can't because of work but what kellin doesn't know is we kind of got fired from work he nodes but looked sad I said I really wish I could babe he kissed me then he said lets watch a movie and me and Kayce shout twilight andy and kellin chuckle we laugh then we watch the whole box set and it's 10:30 so we went to sleep because they had packed months ago. But all that night I couldn't sleep I was just imagining not going asleep in his arms or not hugging him when ever I want. I sigh at look at the time it is 8:30 am and they have to leave in 2 and a half hours kellin woke up and kissed me I sadly smile then he then picked me and ran down the stairs with me I light laugh and he sits down and pulls me into his lap and held me close Andy comes down with Kayce in arms and sits like kellin and I
light laugh then snuggle into kellin
2 half hours later
Kellin and Andy are leaving everything is in their tour bus and they are just saying bye I'm sat here and kellin is hugging me tight while I sob into his chest he pulls out a tee and gives it to me I smile sadly at him kiss him and tell him I love him he kisses me again and said I love you tooxx he carries me over to the love seat that we shear and kiss me then leaves and Andy does the same to Kayce I cry loudly as the front door shuts and kellin drives away. I don't think I will be able to cope while he's on tour no one knows I'm getting hate as well.
Kayce's point of view
Andy an kellin have just left and I miss Andy already and as soon as the door shut Khloe started to cry loudly curled up on the love seat her and kellin shear when he's here with kellin's top on. While I'm hugging my knees while light crying I don't think either of us can cope while they are on tour I took a pic of Khloe at sent it to kellin saying been like that dice you left like 5 hours ago. Kellin text back saying i have to tell you something ok but don't tell Khloe ok I text back saying ok he typed Khloe's getting hate but won't tell me as she told you no I said. He said keep an eye on here ok I text back will do. I then text Andy telling him I miss him so much and I need to tell him something so can we Skype he text back saying sure I picked up my laptop from under the table by the love seat and I turned it on and plugged in my ear buds and Andy called me I answer and sadly smiled at him he smiled back then said I don't want to ruin your what you think of your fans because most of your fans are nice but I'm getting hate and it's ok if you don't believe me ok that's all love you as I was about to end the call Andy says I do believe you and it's just the jealous fans ok and ignore them if you can if it gets worse tell me ok. I said yes then I said I'll talk to him later then ended the call and about five minutes later I got notification from Andy Twitter and it said if your hating on my girlfriend @kayce-beirsack-BVB then don't because if you do I don't think that your my mates. Then another came up and it said my best mate kellin's girlfriend also one of my best friends @khloe_quinn_SWS is also getting hate from some of my so called fans and kellin's so called fans so don't it's not fear the haven't done anything to you. Khloe skyped kellin and he picked up on the first ring when she seen his face she burst out crying I ran over too her and she hugged me then kellin sad Khloe babe are you ok she said no in between cries and he said what's wrong she said I really miss you and your fans are giving me hate and your not here to help me she said and that is it I lost it and so did kellin he got his phone and tweet who ever is hating on my girlfriend stop. Then he tweet if your hating on my girlfriend your hating on me. Then if your hating on my girlfriend your not a true fan and about 7 other tweets like them Khloe smiled then they talked and Khloe ended up falling asleep to kellin singing with eyes to hear and ears too see. And I went on Skype to Andy again and he said he heard kellin and Khloe's Skype call and I feel sorry for her and you I said Andy I don't get that much hate and she gets it on everything she does and she gets looks in the street. He nodded then said I miss you babe I agree and I said Andy can you sing me to sleep please he agreed and sang fallen angle.
Khloe's point of view
After I calmed down I Skyped kellin and told him about the hate I was getting and I missed him and then I got him to sing to me and I fell asleep while he was singing with eyes to hear and ears to see.

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