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Khloe's point of view
I woke up the next morning to kellin kissing me he left me breakfast in bed with a note saying sorry I didn't believe you Khloe please forgive me after you finished eating get dressed ps love you kellin.
I ran to the guest room to find Kayce had the same thing we got ready in my room and when we were finished we opened the door and there was a note and it said meet us down stair when your ready love kellin and Andy.
We run down stairs and kellin and Andy stood there and they blind folded us and we got put in kellin's car me in front and Kayce and Andy in the back we drove for like 20 mins then we got out the car and we walked for 5 minutes then stopped and the blind fold was took of and we where on a beach with a black love hart chair and coconut candles in a shape of a heart and a table with all different fruits and sweets and foods on I hugged then kissed kellin and he said I'm so sorry I believed them girls and not I nod then say it's ok and I know we've never said this to each other and I hope you feel the same way. I love love you and what he said made my heart melt he said I love love you too Khloe we kissed and then kellin and Andy left and around 10 minutes later came back with a bag each and kellin handed me the bag and in there was black bikini and a black towel I smile then thank him and I got changed into the bikini and then kellin messed around with me in the water. We stopped and got out the water and sat down on the seat I started to shivering and kellin notice the said there is cloths in the bag I pulled out a top of kellin's and put it on then kellin pulled out a blanket and we cuddled when all of a sudden there was shouting it was Kayce I jumped up and ran to where Kayce was and I seen Andy holding her back I walked over to her and asked what was the matter and out of nowhere I'm hit over the head by a man I nearly fell but some one caught me I woke I to water been thrown at me I wake up and kellin had been crying and Kayce too and I asked what happened and Kayce said you got hit over the head when you were asking what was up with me and I was ment to get hit not you wait Kayce no you weren't and I'm fine but when I stood up I nearly fell but kellin caught me once I regained my balance I asked Kayce what was wrong then she said some one kept saying they wan't me to suffer but it was a mans voice and the man that hit you where is he now I ask she srugges i nod but wince in pain and kellin was worried and said are you ok I said yes then I turned round and there stud kayce's mate with that girl at the concert and a man. Amy kayce's mate said she sorry and she never ment to hurt us kellin And Andy said ok but don't do it again and we don't really trust you so it's up to Khloe and Kayce because you hurt them more. I spat I don't forgive you and I don't trust you'd she looked a taken back I said sorry I'm still mad and just got noc--- I couldn't finish my sentence because Kayce and Andy were about to get nocked out and stabbed but I pushed them out of the way and got nocked on the head 2 times then got stabbed 2 times then blacked out.
Kayce's point of view
I have just screamed because some man said he wants me to suffer and was about to hit me or Andy but Khloe came and asked me what's wrong but the got nocked out for like 1 hour and kellin cried and so did I and Andy too and then she woke up and asked what happens so I told her then she told us she was fine but she lost balance and kellin caught her and held her till she gained balance then he asked her if she was ok and she turned then nodded and winced in pain then she looked mad/ scared I looked in her direction there stood my mate Amy and her cousin and that man and Amy said she sorry about at the concert she didn't mean to hurt us and kellin and andy say it's ok I forgive you but don't trust you and it's up to Kayce and Khloe because you hurt them most and Khloe spat I don't forgive you and I don't trust you she looked a taken back Khloe said sorry I'm still mad and just got noc--- she didn't finish her sentence and pushe me and Andy out of the way of something I turn round and wish i didn't Khloe pushed us out of the way from getting nocked out and stabbed she blacked out kellin ran over to her and picked her up and we tied up our stuff and ran to the car and Andy drove us to the hospital and we got there and kellin ran into the hospital and the doctors took Khloe but we had to stay outside kellin was fuming and started to cry and so did I and Andy too I choked out why did she do that to save me and Andy but hurt her self kellin said because she is puts everyone before her I agree and the doctor came out and told us Khloe is in a critical condition and is in a coma and may never wake up I literally collapsed and cryed while kellin said can I see her the doctor nodded so we went in and kellin ran to her side he cryed even harder and held her hand. I cried harder and Andy comforting me I wish she would have let me get hit and stabbed and she wouldn't be in her but will be sad that I'm in here but she saved me and is so close to dying
2 months later
Kellin's point of view
I'm been in this hospital for two months straight only leaving Khloe's side to change or go to pee they said she may never wake up I cancelled tour to be with her Kayce never leaves either. I really hope Khloe wakes up soon I can't lose her I'm holding her hand and I felt her squeeze my hand and she did the same to Kayce she slowly fluttered her eyes open I smile then kissed her forehead gently and got the nurse she said Khloe could come home tomorrow if everything goes well to night I hope she is ok to go home
Then next day
Khloe's point of view
Yesterday I woke up from a coma but I get to go home today but I've got to take it easy I feel bad though because Andy and kellin cancelled tour and disappointed loads of fans and I wish they didn't he did it because he didn't want to leave me and Andy said him he hardly left my side and Kayce never left my side and Andy even attempted to get them to leave and get sleep but they wouldn't I sign and the fact they look like the walking dead but smile at how much they care about me I love them for it but I'm mad at kellin for cancelling tour just to stay with me and Kayce was mad at me for saving her and Andy and nearly dying saving her hey what can I say Andy is needed by billions of people and Kayce is my only/ best friend so I wasn't going to let them get hurt.

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