How kayce meets andy black (Beirsack)

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Kayce's point of view
So me and my best friend Khloe are going to a SWS and BVB concert and wearing similar clothes but the same make up the same colour clothing and make up but different shoes any way after we finished getting ready in Khloe's we got in her car and drove to the echo arena we are the first people here so we got let in and we got front row seats right in front of kellin and Andy hopefully after I can get something signed by them both. BVB came on first they sung fallen angles the morticians daughter, love isn't always fair, let you down and we don't belong. Then SWS came on and they sung with eyes to hear and ears to see, we like it loud, do it now remember  it later, fire, free now, a trophy fathers son trophy, don't ever forget about me, gold and who are you now but through out the BVB part I thought Andy kept staring at me I'm probably imaging it. After the concert me and Khloe ran to the merch stall and we got the same but I got more BVB and she got more SWS merch we then went to the signing line when we where near the front a security guard told us to follow him so we did then we got put in a room with a table and four chairs and around half hour later the same security guard told us he got told we are wanted to wait at the vip lounge but we don't have passed and Khloe said that then he gave each of us a pass and Khloe dragged me to the empty vip lounge and we sat down and 5 minutes later we both stud up to get a drink and we started walking to the bar when all of a sudden there are two tall men in front of us and when we looked up there stud our idols and when Khloe came back to reality she kind of passed out and kellin caught her just before she fell to the ground  and I think she knew that and before she completely passed out I think she heard me shout her name then after I look up and reality hit me that my idols are in front of me I faint as well and before everything goes black I feel Andy catch me and carry me some where then everything went black. I woke up from fainting when we pulled up outside of andy's house then he picked me up and he took me to his room and a few minutes after he set me down I opened my eyes to be met my andy's I thought I was dreaming but no he was in front of me he then said so I know you know a lot about me I corrected him and said this sounds creepy but I know everything about you because I have been with you since the beginning and will be with you till the end I said well I get called emo/ goth but I'm emo just like my bestie Khloe me and her have never had a boyfriend beacuse we are not liked and I love your band SWS PTV 5SOS my favourite is you out of BVB and kellin is my favourite out of SWS and Mike is my favourite out of PTV and Ashton is my favourite out of 5SOS and I probably won't ever see you again after this so will you please sign my merch that I brought at your concert he said I will sign your merch but tomorrow and I you define will see me again and it like midnight so get some sleep beautiful you can have my bed I will take the couch or floor downstairs I said Andy do you have anything I can wear he throw me a one of his tops and sweats I took the top but not the sweats then I went to his room he took the couch and I took the bed and later Andy climbed into bed with me and cuddled me I was freaking out and I must of fainted but before I fainted aging I felt and wipe of my make up then everything went black for the second time that night.
The next day
I woke up to water been thrown on my face and I screamed and jolted up to see Andy had splashed me but also made me  breakfast in bed it was bacon and sausage on toast with egg and a smoothie I thanked Andy and we ate and he went down stairs with the plates then I got my bag witch had my make !up in and spear clothes I got out my underwear and jeans and make up and got ready and then I took andy's shirt to wear the one he slept in. I then walked down stairs and Andy smirked when he relished that I was wearing his shirt then he said where going to kellin's house I got in the car and we drove to kellin's when we got there kellin answers the door and then we sat in the living room And a few minutes later I hear kellin tell Khloe I'm in living room and then she runs in and dragged me out side we both scream and say omg at the same time then we walked in kellin and Andy we're giving us a confused face then Khloe said we went out side for fresh air because I didn't want to faint again because I'm in the same room as my idols I agree with her then sit down next to Andy but closer than before if possible and then kellin said so your probably thinking why are the kellin Quinn and the Andy black talking to me or way am I in kellin Quinn's house I'm just boring old me and I'm not beautiful and just another fan but trust me you too are beautiful and amazing your not just a fan you two stud out to us at the concert and we've seen you before the concert as well and your thinking why did I sort of get kidnapped by my idols well we know that your our biggest fans and we really really like you and Andy then and pulled me out into the kitchen then says Kayce will you be my girlfriend I nod then smile and all you hear is Khloe scream yes me and Andy laugh then walk back in hand in hand then Khloe and kellin kiss then Andy kisses me my first kiss luckily I had my merch and kellin signed Khloe's first and Andy signed mine grist then Andy signed Khloe's and kellin signed mine

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