After tour

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Khloe's point of view
Tonight is the last show of tour the tour was fucking epic BVB are on stage then it's ATL then it's SWS then 4 American better of dead angles
2 hours later it's mine turn on stage I stay back stage while the others go on they start the tune for daylight I started singing it was still back stage I slowly walk on and the lights flash on and the crowd roars I smile and sing after around 12 songs I say ok guys this is the last song and I need all of you to take part and I would love all of pierce the veil black veil brides and sleeping with sirens everyone a part from kellin came in like we planned the I say ok guys is everyone here the crowed said where's kellin I say sorry guys kellin couldn't come right now he is looking after our four kids they shout ok I smile and say ok cause you are an amazing crowd her is second to last song the scream I sure all you guys know it and her the band are we all gonna sing it welcome 5sos and my husband kellin Quinn the crowd roar and the lads come in kellin stands by me and we sing don't stop then everyone apart from PTV and kellin and my band stay in and her is in called King for a day I sing with kellin and some with vic and after that sing I shout thank you so much and guys before you go I wanna bring on random luck fan up I jump in the crowd I grab a little girls hand and I go a teenagers hand and another four people all girls jumped on stage I went to the teenager and said hi lovely what's your name and how old are you she said Juliet and I'm 15 then I got to all the other people and I pick up the little girl and say what's your name and age and who's your favourite out of kellin and me and vic she said her name was Kate and she is 4 and ms and kellin are her favourite we are in our home town right now so yeah I said ok so for all the 5 teenagers her is a bunch of things that I got for some of my ex mates befor they beat me up but here you go I also added the I phone six I got a bag for the girl it had me and kellin on it and I was a back pack I shout night guys and can Kate's parents up here please to come back stage we ran if and her parents where back stage I grabbed her hand and took her to our merch Stan and she picked out her stud she was dimly going to pick out on thing but I told her to take well more she said but my mummy and dad can't afford all this I said sweetie I'm paying for this don't worry take what you want and me and kellin will sign it for you she squealed and hugged me I smile and she got what she wanted I took her too kellin went over to her parents that where no where to be seen I asked security where they went and they handed me a note and said sorry but we can't take care of Kate we had to leave her I started to cry kellin got Gabe to look after Kate and ran over to me and said what's up babe I showed him the letter he said well we can't stick her in a home so we will take her I looked at him and said but kel we gave four kids of our own he srugges and said oh well we can have one more I smile hug him and I said but how am I gonna tell Kate he said I don't know I walked over to her and said ok Kate I have something to tell you she looked at me and come and sat on my knee I said honey your pear ya left you her she said yes I looked at her and she said well they abused me and used me as a slave and my dad raped me cry and hug her and she cried too it broke me that some one could do that I said well don't worry your coming to live with me and kellin and our four kids she squealed and hugged me I got all her stuff and put it in her bag payed a thousand dollars to our merch lady and walked out with Kate by me and me holding my baby girls and the boys with kellin and we got in the limo and we went home and when we got there I gave Kate her own room put her posters up signed them and kellin did to put all her clothes away and gave her I phone sick and said this is your to him she said thanks mum I smiled and said welcome sweetie hugged her and she went to sleep I put the girls to bed the put the boys to bed then climbed In bed next kellin cuddled him and fell asleep

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