What khloe's sick ex dose

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Khloe's point of view
We arrived we walked in and the house was quite too quite for my liking I walked in and on the table was a note I gently set down Copland and Katelynne no not named after kellin's ex I picked up the note and it said miss me babe it Chris I'm out of prison and I have all your friends if you want them met me at the park I rang everyone and they say I'm fine I looked for kellin and couldn't find him I looked out side and in the car I couldn't find him all the bags where in the floor and the car was looked and the key was on the floor I picked everything up and I double checked the note and it had a number I rang it and Chris picked up (cd=Chris kkQ=Khloe)
KkQ who do you have
CD ohh just a man and if you want him to live meet me in the park tomorrow at noon
KKQ don't mess with me and I will be there spot on noon
And then I hear kellin shout Khloe babe I hug up
The next day
all the boys came home I made them look after my kids I ran all the way to the park I got there and It was empty and then some one covered my eyes I push them off know exactly who it is I then heard kellin shout my name.
Flashback over
I turn around to see kellin tied up with duck tape on I ran over to him I slowly ripped of the duck tape and he said he's gonna kill me u said I don't think he is because what I'm about to do to him he will wish he was never born I just left kellin I spotted a piece of glass I picked it up and I found rope I got the glass and stabbed Chris tied him up and kicked him I then ran to kellin untied him and walked over to Chris and said what did you do to my man he sai oh just wiped him I looked and kellin he shook his head I said what else did you do he laughed and said what i did to you for hours when I kidnapped you I launched at him and said how dear you touch my man like that it's ok to put me through that but my man that doesn't deserve that I don't deserve that but I put up with the depression but you hurt my kellin like that and you pay you son of a bitch he just smirked I'm nocked out and kellin is showing me
When I wake up
I woke up and alumni remember is me fumeing at Chris and then kellin shouting me when I got nocked out I open my eyes and tried to move but I couldn't I looked around the room and kellin is nocked out tied to a chair and I look down at myself and I'm in my bra and my shorts and nickers and top are not on when I had clothes on I then realised that I'm tied down to a bed by my waist and legs and arms I started to shake as Chris comes in the room and kellin wakes up and looks at me I cry kellin please help me kellin please I shout as Chris pulled down his pants and climbed on top of me and he pushed into me I screamed and kellin tried to get out of the chair but couldn't I must of passed out during that because I woke up and I was laying on the bed I slowly got up it hurt but oh well I put my under wear on and kellin must of been nocked out beacuse he was sitting with his eyes closed in the chair I untied him and kissed him he said stop I have a wife I laugh and say kellin babe it's me we got to go he looked at me hugged me we opened the window and we got out and we ran for it I don't don't know how long we've been running but I can't run anymore kellin notice and picks me up and ran all way home we got in locked every door and widow no ran up stairs throw one of kellin's tops on and ran into mike's room and hugged him I kissed his head and said love you Mike he says love you too mamma I ran to cal's room and hugged him and kissed his head and said love you cal he said love you too I just left the room I then went into the girls room and there fast asleep I kissed them and hugged them I then went into mine and kellin's room and got a shower and rubbed my body till I was red raw and I got out put on one of kellin's tops and my short shorts and I sat on our bed and a few minutes later kellin walks in his long sleeved misfits top and long pants he jumped into bed and just looked at the ceiling I got up and sat on his torso and said kellin babe what's the matter he said nothing and sat me next to him and turned over I said kellin there is something wrong tell me please he just ignored me I sighed got up walked out of the room and went into my chill area and got on the couch and just cried my self to sleep
The next morning
When I woke up I was in bed cuddling up to kellin but I slept on a couch in my chill room I must of looked dumb found kellin looked at me and said I couldn't sleep with out you knowing your safe in my arms so I looked for you but when I didn't see you I got sceard and then realised I never checked your chill room I ran up there and see you lying there and had been crying I was really upset cause I made you cry so I picked you up and brought you into our room and I was falling to sleep and you started to have a nightmare and I woke you up and you just fell back asleep and then you woke up looking confused and then here we are I just looked and my hands kellin grabbed my hands with his one and cupped my chin and made me look at him and said do you want to know why I was sad yesterday I nod he said because after we got home I got a call from work saying that a certain band and my band and andy's band are going on tour but the band is vics and me and vic had a fall out and I miss him I smile and say well we have to fix this argument with a evil smile I then said cal you know yesterday what did Chris really do to you before I got there he said well I was just locking up the cats and was coming in I was grabbed and a cloth with chloroform on was placed of my mouth and nose I tried not to breath it in but did I passed out when I woke up I realised that I was not by ours anymore but in a wooden cabin tied to a bed and Chris walks in and said and finally your up I just steward at him and he said then he untied my feet firm the post he tied them together and the left my hands to the post he then tied my feet back to the post in sort of the all four position and pulled down my pants and he then rapped me and played with my you know what and he did this for around 6 hours and he rang you and told you to meet him at the park at noon and you herd me scream your name after he hung up he got out a whip and he hit every single part of my body and then he got a knife and cut me all over my arms and legs he said that he will have witch resulted in me smearing at him I couldn't talk because of the duck tape on my mouth and rapped me again and again then when I seen you near the park from where we where he tied me up and then tied me out side on a tree and he made me give him a blow job and then when you walked in he stopped put tape back on my mouth and went and wrapped his hand around you and I seen you push him of and I shout your name when turn around you see me tied up with duck tape over his mouth you ran over to me and you slowly ripped of the duck tape in fear of hurting me and then I tell you what he told me witch is chris said he's gonna kill me u said I don't think he is because what I'm about to do to him he will wish he was never born And you just left me I seen you pick a piece of glass up and the tope he used to tie me up I seen the evil smirk I kind of got worried for you and was just worried the plan would turn round and you would get hurt you did after you launched at him I knew he plans on making you made and the hurt you I should have stopped you it my fault you got raped and after you got nocked out he gagged me then pulled my pants down he then sat on my you know what and raped me that way and he got his mates to untie me he leans over you and rapped you more and made it look like I rapped him and he said he's getting me arrested for rape I curl up in a ball next to kellin and say I can't lose you he got his "friends" to video it and I bet you the police Nock on the door on the door right now I said wait he rapped you in a black Woden cabin right I said do you see the my name carved into a tree facing it he nodded I say I have proof he rapped you I hide a camera there was a mock on the front door and the police that was looking for me when i got kidnapped I shout tell her to come please to Calum when he answered the door kellin looked confused as I was in my laptop and the police woman was standing in our door way I said I know why you'd here but please hold on for 5 minutes she ok I told kellin to get dressed he went I called over the woman and said did some one called Chris dollar call you and say that my husband mr Quinn bostwick rapped him she nodded I said well he kidnapped my husband as to get me to go there so he could hurt me but he did it in a cabin in the middle of the forest the video he may if shown you was fake I have a security camera there beacuse I built that three for a get away and I showed him it and he takes me there to hurt me and one day I hid a camera there in case he tried to lie I showed here the footage I gave here the laptop said take I is it ok if you take us to the station while I report this he ask ode abused my husband by cutting him and whipping him it's on this laptop kellin was dressed and I just went the way I was we arrived I took my laptop the police woman took us a detective and I met him before wait his my brother omg we got separated when we where little I smile she leaves I say hey
Bro looked at me and said long time no see I smile and he said sis I missed you you look so different I said you haven't changed he smiled I said this is my husband kellin he smiled and him and bro did that man hug thing and I just laughed he said what can I help you with I said you know Chris dollar he said yes that abusive prick I never liked I nod that one I said he said that kellin rapped him but he rapped kellin and me multiple times me more he kidnapped me and got out of prison I said he also whipped and cut kellin I gave him my laptop and said here's the proof and he got his two friend to help him make it look like kellin rapped him but he rapped both of us first Alex said well sis he isn't getting let out again and kellin now charges will be done on you since we have prof he lied sis we have to keep your computer though I said and I write my number on his hand and said oh and did you know Andy biersack is our brother wait so I have a famous family a famous sister know and a famous bro and bro in law I laugh and say yes I hug him and say bye me and kellin walked out only to see Chris in hand cuffs and he sees me kellin and my brother he looked mad as hell I give him the look and said never mess with me or my family this is what you derisive. Me and kellin went home happy

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