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Khloe's point of view
After I woke up again I was in an abandoned wear house with my hands tied to a post and a women walks in and when she comes into view I realised that it was kellin's ex fiancé that cheated on him over again Kate  and she smirks at me then kicks me then punches me in the face then spits kellin is mine and only mine then I say well news flash you could have been his wife but you cheated on him many times and you was a bitch to him and broke his heart so it's on you and he didn't date or feel happy and was scared to fall in love again incaae they turned out to be you and he fell in love again with me and look at how happy he is with me he was never that happy with you and your thinking how do you know I cheated on him news flash I'm his biggest number one fan and have been since you came in the picture and always will be and try your hardest to break us up but where are inseparable and oh if you like kill me then your gonna hurt him so do what you want to me but and I mean it don't hurt him or you will now what my fan girl/ mean not pleasant side is so yeah and when I get out of here watch your back because trust me you will regret ever and I mean ever touching me oh and I hope breaking kellin's heart was worth it because you should know the fandom never liked you she kicked me in the stomach then kicked me twice in the ribs then kicked me three time in the face then she spat don't ever talk to me like that understand I smirk then said oh well I will talk to how ever I want and don't ever try and take kellin away from me k bitch she kicked me then was going to again but my phone rang and it was stomach tied in knots witch means it was Kayce she ignored it then kicked me then kicked me again then she un tied me from the post and through me into a caged room and tied me in there and left
A few hours later
Kate came back and tied me back to a post then my phone rang with the ringtone if I'm James dean your Audrey Hepburn I knew it was kellin and then she said hi then kellin said hi then she said hi kellin then there was silence on the other end for a few seconds before kate said I am so much better than Khloe and could treat you better and yes I have Khloe and if you want here you will have to find her oh and love you kellin then cut the phone off and smirked at me then I said you bitch I knew you where a horrible person but you are a right out heartbreaking, judgement greedy, needy, stuck up bitch she came over and smacked me across the face and said I hate you then I said right back at you but I can't stand you I despise you she kicked me hard 10 times in my stomach I then fell a sleep
The next day
woke up to Kate kicking and slapping me she smirked at me then she untied me then told me to eat but I didn't then she said eat or I will force you to i shook my head no then she walked out and came back with a knife and stabbed me in the stomach I screamed in pain and she laughed then took out the knife and stabbed me several times then rapped up my cuts and I heard her say kellin will be mine before everything went black.
Kellin's point of view
After I told Kayce she was my ex fiancé she said wait Kate as in cheating bitchy jealous Kate as in the song if you can't hang song Kate I nod then say Khloe said you never dated after her until you met Khloe I nodded then said because I knew she would do this and I thought it would happen again
The next day
Kayce said we can ring the police now so I did they came over and said do you know what she was wearing I sighed then said no I was on tour and then Kayce said I don't know then they said you you know who took her I said yes and they said did you ring her phone I said yes and did anyone answer I said then I said could you trace where her phone is they said yes but we might need you to come the station with your phone I nod I get my phone the go to the police station and with in 30 minutes they had trace the call and they said she is in an abandoned wear house by the mall I said so we can go and get her you can lock up my crazy ex they said yes and hopefully we get her in time Andy and Kayce and I go in my car and several police come I told them not to us sirens so Kate doesn't know I brought them but they will be with me
Half hour later
We just arrived and I kick the door down I run in and when I get to a big space I see Kate and Khloe. Kate is doing something to Khloe because she is screaming in pain and when I get closer I see Kate is stabbing Khloe all over her body and she goes to her wrist and stabes her in the vien then she stabbed her 10 times in her stomach Khloe lets out one last scream before she passed out the police come in and see what is happening then they get Kate and hand cuff her and take to the car while I go to Khloe and cry and then she is put in an ambulance and I get in back and they wrap up her wounds and put a mask on her when we get to the hospital I was asked to stay out side I told Kayce and Andy not to come. I didn't leave the hospital but fell asleep outside in the waiting room and a nurse woke me up and said you may see Mrs Quinn know I nod then go into Khloe's room and she is still passed out and I sit down next to her lifeless looking body and sing to her.
Khloe's point of view
Once I woke up I remember I have been missing for 24 hours so they would have got the police involved but I won't say anything to Kate. Kate walks in and she says are you going to eat or not I shook my head no she stabbed me in my side and said answer me I said no she laughed and stabbed me again and she didn't stop she just took all the bandages of and stabbed all over my body then everything started to go black but before it I herd Kate get arrested and I herd soft cries and some one grab my hand and I knew it was kellin and then I blacked out
About a week later
I felt the bed sink and someone hug me and kiss me on the lips and then start to sing end up here 5sos and beside you and I slowly woke up and said kel babe is that you but he didn't here me so I said it a little louder and he looked at me then he throw himself at me in a gentle hug I laugh and hug him back just as much then I said how long have I been in her he said a week I sigh then said you know who took me I said yes I said do you know why she took me he shook his head I said because the man she was cheating on you with dumped her and she didn't like it and wants you back he said well I have you and don't love her I need you and only you I nod and he said let me get the doctor I nod and he comes in with the doctor and he said you are fine and so is your baby your lucky she didn't stab the baby and you did lose a lot of blood the doctors walks out and I said well I guess that's explains why I've been throwing up every day he said wait you have been throwing up I said yes and he said why didn't you tell me I said I didn't want to bother you and that explains why I missed my period he said well if it's a girl we should call her Copland and if it's a boy call him Calum after your boy bff Calum hood I nod and said they sound perfect  love you kellin he said love you too babe then I said kel get in the hospital bed please he did and he cuddled me then I said kel sing if I'm James dean your Audrey Hepburn he cleared his throat then started to sing and I fell into a peaceful sleep in my lovers arms.
Kellin's point of view
After I sang a few songs I I kissed her and fell asleep in the uncomfortable chair wishing when I woke up Khloe would be ok and not be in a hospital bed.
When I woke up
I was still holding Khloe's hand I was hoping this was all a dream but no Kate has to hurt/ possibly kill the only person that is keeping me alive and breathing I knew she was jealous and all but she went to far and if she trying to get me back she has another thing coming I love Khloe and no one els and I need her she is my oxygen and my hope and with out her I would be nothing but she doesn't know that I know she hates her self and can't see what I see but trust me she is beautiful and I love her so much I really hope she wakes up/soon I really miss her why did I go on tour and leave her I told her I would take her with me next time I go on tour no I told her I was taking her so she didn't get hurt again but no stupid me left her and Kate got her and I may have lost her forever and it's all my fault.
A week later
It's been a week and Khloe hasn't made any progress and they said if she doesn't wake with in the next 2 weeks they are going to take her of the life sport I was crying but before i went back to Khloe I wiped my eyes and face took a few deep breaths then went to Khloe's room and sat next to her on the bed and kissed her soft get cold lips and then I sang end up here and just as I finished sing beside you Khloe said kel babe is that you really loud and I turned to her then I throw my self at her in a light but tight hug she laughed oh how I missed that laugh so much she then hugged me back then she said how long have I been in here i said a week she sighed and said do you know who took me I nodded and mumble yes she said do you know why I shook my head and said no she said Kate said the man you she cheated on you with dumped her and said he cheated on her and she was crazy and messed up in the head she didn't like it then she said she said she wants me back then I said to Khloe well it's not gonna happen I love you not her your the only one I love and will ever love she smiled u said let me get the doctor I walked out side and the doctor was heading to Khloe's room as we walked back in the doctor checked Khloe over then said you and the baby are fine I smile and the doctor walks out and she said that explains why I missed my period and why I have been throwing up every day I said wait you have been throwing up she said yes I said why didn't you tell me
she said because you where having fun on tour and I didn't want to worry you. I then changed the subject and said well if we have a girl we name her Cropland and if it's a boy we should name him Calum after yours boy bff she said yes then she told me to get in bed next to her so I did and she asked me to sing if I'm James dean your Audrey Hepburn so I did and she fell asleep in my arms and I went to sleep shortly after her. When I woke up Khloe was still asleep and the doctor walked in and said when Khloe wakes up and we check her over if she is ok she can go home once you sign the release papers mr Quinn I thanked the doctor and he left about half hour later Khloe woke up and the doctor came in and checked her to see if she is well enough to come home. After the doctor checked to see if my Khloe was ready he's aid she is ok to go home she just lots of rest and she needs to have pain relief every 2-4 hours then he looked at me and said mr Quinn you need to sign the release papers and Mrs Quinn my go home I smile then follow the doc to sign the papers but before I left I throw Khloe one of my shirts and a pair of shorts and once I signed the papers I went back to Khloe's room and she was ready to go I gently picked her up bridal style and carried her to my car as she kept saying I can walk you know I laugh and say well you could still be weak from just waking up from a coma and I don't wanna risk you falling over and hurting yourself or our baby she sighed and said ok I will let you carry me and flopped in my arms I laugh and kiss her then when I got to my car I gently sat Khloe in the passenger side and buckled her up then got in my side and drove home and when we got back I ran round to Khloe's side and opened the door unbuckled her and picked her up bridal style and carried her into our living room where she was met by her smiling best friend Kayce and her friend Andy and they hugged her
3 week later
Khloe was ok and is 2 nearly 3 months pregnant and has a small bump and she said she wants to go and stort out her presents things and we did have a funeral for her family and I went with her and she had a breakdown but she is over it now and is happy as ever witch I'm glad for it so me Khloe Kayce and Andy got on my bands private jet and flew to Liverpool and went to Khloe's brothers place first and packed he stuff and where gonna sell his house and he did have a girlfriend but she died too on the plane so after we packed all his stuff we went to Khloe's little sisters house and packed her sisters house up as where going to sell that too and while we where her we went to Khloe's and kayce's old place and packed the rest of there stuff and went to Khloe's parents house and packed all her stuff and we also went to our old house and packed the rest of our stuff and Andy and Kayce went back to there old place and packed the rest of there stuff and met us back at our old place and we got in two different taxis and put everything in the back and Andy got his private jet so we could stick all of Khloe's families stuff and we flew home and sorted every thing out
Kayce's point of view
Khloe been in missing for a whole day so we can call the police to help find her and when the police came kellin had To go down the police station to track Khloe's phone from kellin's and when we did we went to where Khloe was and kellin went in frost by himself and a few minutes later the police went in and when they went in they got Kate then me and Andy rushed in and I wish I never because what I saw literally broke my heart my bestie/ sister passed out with stab/ cut marks all over her body and then an ambulance came and she was rushed to hospital we dropped kellin and he said for us to go back to his I think I fell asleep on the way there because when I woke up I was in kellin's and Khloe's spear room trapped in andy's warm strong arms trapped from reality and the what was really happening out side this room I felt Andy move then he kissed me and said morning beautiful I smile and kiss him and say hi we stayed in this room all day a part from when we got food
A week later
It's been a week since Khloe has. Even I hospital in a coma and kellin rang us and said that the doctor said if she doesn't wake up in the next week they are going to turn of the machine and I lost it and all Andy did was cuddled me like he was going to lose me I just cried into his chest and fell a sleep but woke up as soon as I got a home calm if kellin he said Khloe woke up and may be home tomorrow I smile and hug Andy and told kellin I would talk to him later then I told and that kellin told me and be was happy too I fell back a sleep
The next day
I woke up and changed cloths and went and sat on the couch and around 10:50 Khloe and kellin walked through the door and I hugged Khloe and so did Andy then when the boys left the room me and Khloe say I have something to tell you at the same time we laugh then Khloe says I'm pregnant and have been since the boys left for tour and I say I have too then we laugh and I said do you have names Khloe nods and I said I do too and I said if it's a girl then I'm gonna call her Copland I said so am I we laugh and I say and for a boy my boy Bessie Ashton Khloe said I choose my boy Bessie to Calum we laugh and Khloe say my god mother for the baby is you and the god fathers are Calum And the uncles are SWS and Andy because he is like my brother I nod and say my baby's god mother is you and the god father is Luke and the uncles are BVB and Kellin. Khloe smile then kellin and Andy walk in and we watch a movie and me and Khloe fall asleep
Khloe's point of view
Once I woke up the next day the doctor was walking in their room to do my check up and he said I can go home but I have to rest for at least a week and kellin had to sing my realise papers an I could leave and before kellin went to sing the papers he throw me one of his shirts and a pair of shorts then left and I quickly got changed and kellin came back just as I finished getting dressed then he picked me up bridal style and carried me I kept complaining I could walk he then said well I'm gonna carry you because you may still be weak from jus waking up from a coma and I don't wanna risk you fall in and hurting yourself or our baby I sign and flop myself in his arms and he laughed then kissed me then we reached his car and he buckled me and got in his side and started to drive back to our house
Skip car ride
We pulled up outside of our house and kellin ran round to my side of the car and got me out carrying me bridal style into the house and sat me on the couch where I was thrown into a hug by my bestie and then my friend and then kellin and Andy left the room and me and Kayce at the same time I have something to tell you after we laughed I said I'm pregnant and have been since the boys left on tour and Kayce said so have I then said do you have baby name I said yes do you she said yes and said if I have a girl I wanna call her Copland I said that's the name I choose and then she said well if I have a boy I will call him Ashton after my boy Bessie and I said well If i have a boy I'm gonna name him after my boy bestie Calum we laugh then we tell each other what our baby's God parents are and then the boys came back in and sat down and we started to watch a movie that I feel asleep during.
A week later
I told kellin Thai need to sort my family's stuff out so he got his bands private jet and we flew to Liverpool and  I sorted out my brothers and sisters houses first then my parents house then my old old house with Kayce then mine and kellin's old house and Andy got his private jet for all of the stuff we had and we put half in kellin's car and half in andy's car and took it all to mine and kellin's I sorted out my broths and sisters thing then I was sorting out my parents things when I came a cross an old photo of me and Andy when we where baby's and it said Khloe beirsack and Andy beirsack I shouted andy and he ran in and said what is it and I gave him the pick and then I found our birth certificates they both have beirsack on them so that's why I got those brother sister vibes when we hugged I said out loud he said you got them too I nod he hugged me and I hugg him back I got Kayce and told her that me and Andy are brother and sister and she said why didn't you tell me sooner I said beacuse I didn't know she shouts lair and storms out Andy hugged me then went after Kayce and kellin came in and I was on the floor sobbing and he said what's wrong I told him and he said she's just mad right know I said no she hates me she never shouts at me never he hugged me then picks me up and carried me upstairs and into our bedroom and cuddles me and sing kick me and I fell asleep 
A week later
It's been a week since Kayce screamed at me an I'm getting worse with out her I was cuddling kellin when someone nocked on our bedroom door I mumbled come in and Andy and Kayce walked in I looked at Kayce and she ran over to me and hugged me and said sorry I over reacted and I know if you knew Andy was your brother you would have told me right I said I don't know you know she laughed and said shut up hey how you been umm let me think sad lazy and crying because my bestie stopped talking to me she hugged me I laughed and said nice to have you back sister we laugh and kellin and Andy laugh at us I pount and say why you laughing kellin and Andy laugh more witch courses me too laugh I get up and get ready an I'm 3 months pregnant and have a small bump and so dose Kayce I put on one of kellin's t-shirts and a pair of black skinny jeans and did my hair and put it up in a bun and then there was snick on the door and I opened it to see the one and only 5seconds of summer I run and hug Calum he laughed and said hey we herd that you got kidnapped I nod and said yes by a very crazy ex of kellin's the say ok and glad your ok and the good news is we herd your pregnant I said yes 3months they say do you know what it is I said no I wanted it to be a surprise they nod I let them in they sit on the couch and they say do you have any name as I was about to say yes Kayce screamed and ran and hugged Ashton I laugh and said omg I did that to Calum she laughs and they so what names I say if it's a girl copeland if it's a boy I mumble Calum they say what I whispered / shouted Calum they laugh and kellin hugged me said oh and I will be honoured to share my name with your kid I laugh and say so god parents will be Kayce and Calum and uncles will be you guys BVB and SWS and in case you don't know Andy is actually my brother so I was always a beirsack they laugh and say wait we can tell I'm so heart I don't look or act like Andy they say you do I shook my head and there was a nock on the door I got up and answered the door their stood SWS and BVB I smile and hug them all and so does Kayce and I shut the door and got kellin and he said hello to everyone and bro hugged them all then we sat down and around 20 mins later there was a nock so I got up and answered it to be met by PTV I hug vic then let them in just as I was about to shut the door FIR came I hug Ronnie and let them in shut the door I walk back over to kellin and I hug him and fall asleep kellin takes me too our room and tells the guys they can stay but will have to take a couches the couch chairs and the love seats and the couches in the other spear room the beds and the love seats then told them where the blankets are then came in and cuddled me
Then next morning
I woke up before everyone apart from Kayce so we went into the kitchen and made breakfast for everyone and drinks for everyone and when I we went to wake everyone up they where all ready up I smile and give everyone some but I didn't feel like eating I felt sick so I didn't have any thing I went into my room and went back to sleep I woke to some one banging on the door I opened it and the police where there I let them in and got kellin and he hugged me then the police said Kate escaped prison I like started to feel light head with every word they said and soon everything went black and I fell limb into kellin's arms I woke up softly after to kellin hugging me and 5 dos Charing everyone els must have gone home I sigh and kellin looks at me and said the pounce are everywhere around our house and kayce's and Andy I nod and Calum comes and hugged me I smile and then Luke points and says cal I thought I was your cuddled buddy I laugh and shout cake is real everyone looks at me and laughs and Mikey and Ashton say what about mashton I say they could be real but we need hard core proof I laugh and Mikey cuddled Ashton I said mashton is officially real and laugh the laugh too and then we just mess around for the rest of the day Ashton and Mikey went and stayed at andy's and kayce's and Calum and Luke stayed at mine and kellin's in the spear rooms and I go to sleep in the protection of kellin's arms I wake up to kellin smiling at me and said the police got Kate I smile and hug him.
4 months later
5sos have been her 4 months witch means me and Kayce are 7 months pregnant and I'm fat af and I look ugly kellin tells me I don't but I think I do and I can't wait till I have my baby
Kellin started touring around some parts of America and I'm with him we are gonna be her for another 2months he's on a small rapped tour with BVB PTV 5sos yay
2 months later
This is the last show of the tour and kellin mid near the end of his last song if you can't hang.
yes I'm 9 months pregnant so is Kayce and we are due at any time and kellin is nearly done when my waters broke then Kayce did and I got really bad stomach pains and nearly fell when some one caught me it was kellin he must of fished the son he picked me up and rushed us back home to get my bag then we went to the hospital with Andy and Kayce we get there and a nurse get me into a room and kellin is keeping hold of my hand
Skip the given birth part
I gave birth to a boy and then the nurse said I have to push again and I gave birth to a girl so I'm holding cope and kellin is holding cal kellin cuts the cords awnd I dress the baby's and put them in the crib I pat a space next to for kellin to get in and I say can you sing if I'm James dean your Audrey Hepburn please he started to sing and I fell a sleep

The love story kellin Quinn/ Andy black Where stories live. Discover now