Chapter 11

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Five days later

     Clarke's lips tasted like salt. They tasted like tears.

     So did Murphy's.

     The cool metal wall pressed against Clarke's back plus the soft, light brush of Murphy's fingertips against her skin made her shiver, yet she had never been hotter.

Ten minutes ago

     Clarke was huddled up against a tree, lone, cold, and afraid. She hadn't made it very far in the past four days away from Murphy, away from that damn bunker, but she had kept away from the troops scouting her out. The truth was, she didn't want to go back to Camp Jaha. She wanted her sarcastic, evil little shit of a man to find her- She wanted John Murphy to find her. Her John Murphy.

     The wish rang true about three minutes later, when the footsteps she had been hearing for a while ceased. She glanced behind her and sighed in relief, springing to her feet.

     No words were exchanged. There was a mutual agreement not to say anything for the time being, for the few seconds they had to be happy to see each other again. They simply each sauntered forward, clinging to the other as they met half way.

     "I know you didn't mean it. I didn't, either." The words whispered on Clarke's behalf echoed through Murphy's mind.

     "Shut up, Princess. Let's get you fixed up." Murphy pulled away suddenly, although the ghost of a smirk lingered on his features.

     In all seriousness, though, she had a wound on her forehead. Not too bad, but it most likely hurt like a bitch.

     As it turned out, Clarke had been walking circles. They arrived back at the bunker within five minutes.

Five minutes ago

     He climbed down the ladder first.

     She followed.

     He sat her down and looked at her injury, which was just above her left eye.

     She stared into both of his eyes and stood, pushing him away slightly. She took a few steps to distance herself and gazed almost expectantly.

     He raised an eyebrow.

     She spoke. "My head can wait. This... This can't."

     His other eyebrow joined its counterpart.

     She gestured for him to stand and walk over to her.

     He hesitantly did as he was told.

     She grabbed the front of his shirt and tugged, clashing their lips together. After a few seconds, she broke away.

     He followed up by telling her, "God damnit, Griffin," and slamming her into the wall.

     She smirked against his lips and muttered, "Yeah. I love you, too."


     And in that moment, they were good.


Author's Note:

Ayyyyyeeeee tried something new

Do you guys think present or past tense is better? I like both and idk

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this quick chapter after yet another long break on my part. Once again, I'm so sorry about that!

Hopefully I'm back on track now though. I've currently gotten a lot of my The 100 muse back, so that's good.

- Anna

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