Chapter 15

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     "Wake her up."

     The voice was hazy, but the words easy to make out.

     "I think she's coming to right now."

     Something was wrong. Clarke felt no pain, anywhere in or on her body. Not even the problems she knew she had were getting to her. She sat up, waiting for the groggy, sickening pain of getting smashed in the head to take over. It never did, though.

     "What's going on?" Her vision was still slightly blurred, but she could make out a flash of red.

     "Clarke, can you hear me?" There was something soothing about the voice that rang out through the ringing in her ears. It was a woman's.

     "Yes... Yes, I can hear you."

     "Thelonious, it worked."


     "Hello, Clarke. Welcome to the City of Light."



I was actually going to make this a lot longer but figured I'd cut the chapter because I'm evil af and this is one hell of a cliff hanger.

-- Anna

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