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Take it on back boy, take it back all night
Just take it on back, take it on back
Mmm, do what you gotta do, keep me up all night


I woke up on a hospital bed in a dark room.I waited as my eyes adjusted to the darkness and saw a door. I swore as I banged my leg on something and walked to the door. Hoping it wasn't locked.

When the door opened. I step out into the hallway and tried to figure out where I was. I heard a loud shout. Normally I wouldn't go towards the noise but this time I turned left where I heard the sound. I saw a couple people standing there and a nurse walks pass me.

"You should really be back in bed " said a voice behind me.

"And if I don't "I said continuing to walk.

"Mellie just listen to him "said another voice.

I turned around to face my best friend and Dwayne.

"What the hell is going on here? "I yelled.

Dwayne began to walk towards me but stop when I held my hand in front of me.

"Just let me explain "he said.

If I could roll my eyes harder they would be off my head down a river and in the next atmosphere.

"Really let me explain line, do better " destiny said.

"So is anybody gonna say something that actually makes sense before I turn into a crazy bitch "I said.

"you don't seem like a crazy bitch" Another voice said.

"I'm the world champion boo "I said with a smirk.

"Dont test, Dwayne you better get your shit right because the last person who doubted her. Lets just say Mellie is ban from one of these fifty states. " Destiny said.

"Ban? Like can no longer enter or travel to that state." Dwayne said shocked.

"Yup, ban so what is this place and why are there so many houses here? "I asked.

"Okay so let's go inside, then I'll tell you ever...."he said before I took off running nearest trash can. I was throwing up.

"Girl this is like the third time, are you okay? " she asked.

"Yeah I'm okay"I said.

"I'm glad that you're okay "he said.

"What happened to me?"I asked.

"Well,you fell on your arm and passed out. We brought you back here and gave you pain killers. I'm surprised you woke up so soon."he replied softly.

"I'm exhausted, what time is it?"I asked.

"A quarter after three"I heard Destiny reply.

"I need sleep so bye "I said walking and going back to my hostipal room.



"Destiny go home" Dwayne said.

"What are you going to do to her?"Destiny asked accusingly.

"I hope you're not insinuating that I would hurt her someone so fragile? "I said.

A scowl formed on Destiny's face. "I'm not leaving my best friend so don't bother asking me to leave again" Destiny said quickly walking out the door.

I walked to Robyn's hostipal room. I opened the door to find the bed perfectly made and no robyn.

I shut the door and walked down the hall. Where the hell can she be? I pulled out my phone and called destiny.

"What?"she said.

"Watch your tone, remember I'm older than you and I'm not afraid to beat you. "I said.

"Whatever, what do you want?"she said.

"Where is she?"I asked.

"Well I don't know. Go look outside or something. Maybe she left."She said.

"You are no help "I said hanging up.


Robyn quickly grabbed my things and put them in destiny's car. She won't mind. She drove safely to her  apartment. Since she get there. She enter her apartment and locked the door. She headed straight for the bathroom. Yet again having to throw up.

After I took a shower. I got out and decided I need a break from this place so I booked a plane ticket to Miami. Thank God nobody knows about my beach house there. I sat on the couch and ate some sandwich that I stole from the hostipal.

Soon after I finished I headed to bed.

Kiss It Better | Dwayne JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now