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Just take it on back, take it on back
Mmm, do what you gotta do, keep me up all night
Hurting vibe, man, and it hurts inside when I look you in your eye

I turned off my alarm clock and just laid there. What I'm gonna do today ? Oh that's right get my ass on a plane.

I got up and took a shower. When I got out, I heard my phone ringing. Me being me decided to ignore it. I took out my outfit of the day . I brushed my hair. I walked in the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. I sat at the table lost in my thoughts when my phone vibrated and his name pop up.

If he misses you, he'll call. If he cares, he'll show it. If not, he can't be worth your time because you're obviously not worth his.I thought to myself.

I got up and went to my walk in closet to pack my bags so I can leave this place. I walked out my apartment not noticing two buff looking guys walking towards me.

"Aye pretty lady,where you going? "The first guy asked.

"Not to hell like you" I said.

"Ouch, Jon. But lady we're gonna need you to come with us." The second guy said. I ignored them and kept walking downstairs toward my car. I put my things in the trunk of the car and shut it.

I whipped my head towards the two buff guys standing right next to me. "What do you guys want?"I spat at them making their eyes widen.

"Your all bark and no bite! What does Dwayne what with you?  You're probably another hoe" the second guy said. I would be offended but I don't know who he was. I laughed and balled my fist so tight, I'm pretty sure my nails left marks on my palm.

The first guy grabbed me and that's when I lost it. I twisted my arm then took a step with my left leg and placed it right between the second guy's leg before elbowing the first guy in the stomach which made him bend over, clenching his stomach. I knee him in the face with a loud crack sound of his nose being breaking. The other man tried to grab me but kicked his hand.

I straightened up and got in my car and sped to the airport.

I finally reached the airport and parked. I took my bags at the trunk and quickly walked in.

Looking for gate A I begin to wonder if I would ever come back. I'll miss my best friend but as long as she us associated with that heartbreaker then forget them.

A lady's voice comes on and says "flight 23 to Miami is now boarding." This is it there's no turning back.


"What the hell happened to you guys?" said as soon as I saw the guys walk in.

"She beat us up that's what happened. " Jon said.

"Did you tell her to come with you guys or forced her ?"I asked.

"We kind of did both. " Lee said.

"So where is she now? "I asked.

"We don't know but we'll find her." Jon answered.

"You better fucking find her or else. " I screamed at the two.

"Umm...Can I ask why she is so important to you?" Jon said.

I looked at him with the most disgusted look ever. But why did I want her?  Maybe because she was the only female who wouldn't put up with my shit and could actually do some damage. Probably because I love her.

"Dwayne?" Lee said.

"Because I lost her once and I'm not going to again. Now get out there and find her. " I said pointing to the door. God they better pray they find her.

Robyn where the hell are you?

"Haha Dwayne I didn't know you like them crazy. " Joe said coming into the room.

"If you seen her,you would understand. " I said.

"So why are you guys not together? " Joe asked.

"Because I believed that she didn't belong in my world. That she wouldn't be able to handle this lifestyle. " I said.

"Bullshit. Do you think galina belong in our world?what about your mom? If she loves you then she would adjust to your world. What's the real problem? " he said.

"She's only 28 years old." I said.

"Damn you're 15 years older than her. There's nothing wrong with it. " Joe said.

"She's gone. I don't know why she left? " I said.

" She's finding it hard to cope - her hopes have been dashed, the future she dreamed about has gone and she's scared about that. There's nothing in its place. She wants you back. She doesn't want to let go of everything it meant to her. Because the world seems horribly big and empty. Because the future is a very frightening concept when you'd previously planned on sharing it with someone. Because she's a girl."

"I miss her face, its beauty. I remember the first time I kissed her. I felt like she belonged to me.' I said.

"Uce you need to win your girl back." He said walking out the room.


when I placed on a Robyn’s lips a chaste and fatherly kiss for about five minutes, I stopped and said, sorrowfully,
“Wouldn’t you rather be kissed by a twenty-one-year-old boy?”

She frowned and said, “Of course not. If you’d ever been kissed by a twenty-one-year-old boy you’d know better than to ask.”


" I am life,’ Robyn said.

‘What?’ I said, startled.

‘To you, I am life. What are you, thirty-eight? Forty? What have you learned? Have you done anything? Look at me, look. I’m life and when you’re done with me, some of it rubs off on you. You don’t feel so old now, do you? With me here in the squib beside you.’

I said, ‘I’m forty- three and I don’t feel old. As a matter of fact, sitting here with you makes me feel older, not younger. Nothing is rubbing off.’

‘It will,’ she said.

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