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Can't do it like that
No one else gonna get it like that
So why argue? You yell, had to take me back
Who cares when it feels like crack?

"Stop being stubborn and go talk to the man." Nia said.

"Do you love him?" Amari asked.

"Of course, she loves him." Rob said.

"Yes,I love him." I said.

"Then don't ever quit on something you know in your heart is right. Things will get tough, they will try to break you, but don't let that stop you." Amari said.

"Amari you shouldn't be giving out advice to anyone, the way your life set up right now. " Rob said.

"Look here I don't care, I'm trying to help a friend. " Amari said.

"Wait, we don't even know why they're not talking yet." Nia said.

"He left me." I said.

"Why?" Rob asked.

"Because he thinks I can't handle his lifestyle." I said.

"Does he know you're related to us?" Nia asked.

"No." I said shaking my head.

"Look you need to talk to him because this isn't healthy for you or the baby. I know it's battle you feel like you're losing but don't give up." Amari said.

" Your worst battle is between what you know and what you feel." Rob said.


"get out of bed, right now. " Joe said.

"Why? " I asked.

"Because you haven't been answering people's calls and I don't think you left your house in months so get the fuck up." he said pulling off my covers.

"I don't want to. There's no purpose. " I said putting the pillow over my head.

"Don't you dare say that. you left her and I understand that hurts a lot but you're a grown man. Don't let that shit get to you." he said.

"Why? Do you have to be right." I said getting up from my bed.

"Because I've been through this. Go take a shower and I'll pick your clothes." he said taking a sit on the bed.

" Fine I'll go take a shower but if my clothes are over the top, I'm not wearing it ." I said getting up and walking to my bathroom. What did I just get myself into? he's just dressing me up this one time.

"Dammint Dwayne you been in the shower for thrity five minutes, get out now." Joe yelled banging on the door. "Keep banging on the door and I'll stay in here forever " I yelled back. I got out and brushed my teeth. I walked out the bathroom and seen my clothes laid out on my bed. It wasn't bad.

" Can you stop staring and put on your clothes so we can leave " Joe said. Me being me decided I would be slow as a snail getting ready. he shot me a glare. he knew my game. "Don't you dare move like a snail "lhe said. "Why would I?"I said putting on my clothes.

"We're going to a little gathering so hurry up." Joe said.

"Gathering?!" I said.


We were having so much fun until someone enters the house. Everyone looks towards the person but me because I'm to busy eating the icing off the cake.

"Having a party without me " the voice said.

I turned around and see Dwayne and Joe standing there. "Dwayne!Daddy! " Masina yelled jumping into Joe's arms. "At least someone missed me " he said chuckling.

"Dwayne" I said. He looks at me then at my stomach shocked.

"You're pregnant " he says.

"Yes " I said.

"When did this happen? " he asked.

"Six months ago " I said.

"Is it mine? " he asked.

"Yes obviously. I'm not no hoe, Dwayne." I said walking away.

Kiss It Better | Dwayne JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now