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Trigger warning

We sat in the living room with Ethan and Josh watching a football match. The whole time Ethan kept glancing over at me and Simon on the other sofa. He keeps going to say something but Simon give him a piercing glare. How Josh never noticed God knows but he seemed pretty happy sipping on his beer while watching TV. I start to feel myself becoming sleepy, I do enjoy football but I find watching the matches get very boring, especially if no one scores.
'Simon, I'm getting tired, ima head upstairs and get some rest'
'Yeah sure, sleep in my bed if you want, the heater is broke in your room' he gives me a little wink when he says this. And again, Ethan noticing and Josh being completely oblivious.

I head upstairs and get into Simons bed. It smelt like him, I haven't known him long and his smell already comforts me. I lie on his bed unable to sleep. I am one of those people who take hours to actually fall asleep. I hear my bedroom door open and I quickly pretended to be asleep.

'Dude! Josh will kill you!'
'Shhhh, keep your voice down, she is sleeping'

It was Ethan and Simon, I thought of telling them I actually wasn't asleep but I was intrigued to know where this was going.

'Man, Josh is so protective over Charlotte, he may not show it to her but earlier today he kept saying about how close you two were. He hopes you don't get together but he can't stop you if you do. But beware Simon, when he does find out, you do anything to hurt her and he'll go apeshit' Ethan exclaimed in a whisper 'remember what happened when that guy tried flirting with his girlfriend, he nearly knocked him out'.

'Very daddy like' I say while pretended to wake up.

'Hey, sleep well??' They both asked almost synchronised.

'Yeah I guess' i lied 'okay, maybe I listened to your whole conversation. Josh has a girlfriend? I asked, slightly confused. He hadn't mentioned a girlfriend to me before, I am his sister, surely he would of told me.

'Hasn't he told you? Oh okay, he must of forgot'

The three of us sat talking and gossiping for a while until there was a knock on Simons door. 'Guys, I'm feeling lonely out here alone, can I come and join in with whatever you're doing?' Josh's voice was muffled due to the wall in between us. We open the door and let him in.
We decided it would be a good idea to play truth or dare

Ethan did a dare where he had to run round the house like a monkey, Josh had to run about the back garden firing his BB gun at the Trees, Simon answered a truth saying that he had a crush on someone. He gave me a cheeky wink while saying this, again without Josh noticing. At last it was my turn, me being the wimp I am, I took a truth. The truth was how many boyfriends have I had in my whole life. I took a while to answer, shit shit shit, I've only ever had one as he would never let me leave but do I say 2 because of Simon?
To get out this awkward situation and start pretending to count each one on my fingers, i got to about 8 and said only joking, I've only had 2.

'You're whole life you've only had 2 boyfriends?!' Josh and Ethan ask in form.

'Yes, laugh at me now to get it out the way'

'Eyyy, Josh, what did you think of those two boyfriends then?' Ethan asks.

Josh's facial expression drops and I turn pale. Crap, what is he going to say? Is he going to say the truth or lie? But what he says next makes me want to almost faint. 'Her ex that she was in the longest relationship with was very nice but I do not know of this 2nd one'. I look at Simon, simon can visibly see I wasn't comfortable. Without thinking I jumped up and ran to the bathroom and locked myself in it. Tears started rolling down my face. He never knew that boyfriend he wasn't nice, he was horrible and he hurt me. Physically and emotionally.
God why am I so emotional?
I take off my clothes and sit in the bath with the shower water coming down on me. I run my hands up and down the few remaining scars on my arm. He did this too me. I crave each day but I try to remain strong.
To snap me out my thoughts there is a very worried Simon, Ethan and Josh knocking on the door. I quickly dry my tears and put a towel round me.i ask the three guys whether I can speak to my brother alone for a bit and they reluctantly agreed.
I let Josh in the bathroom and he instantly saw my arms. The scars. My past. My worst nightmares. He goes pale in the face. He pulls me into a tight hug while repeating sorry over and over again.

After I persuaded him to stop saying sorry I started to explain what went on with my past boyfriend. How he abused me and locked me up and how he made me want to kill myself. Josh's eyes started tearing up. 'I'm sorry I was never there for you and I should of contacted you sooner. I am so sorry Charlotte.' I look in his eyes and he's filled with pain and regret. I slowly persuaded him to tell the sidemen about our orphanage and that we were adopted separately. It took a lot of persuading but he could see how much pain I was in. Just before he was about to leave the bathroom I tell him something. I tell him that me and Simon were dating.
I would see his teeth start to grit but he soon calms down and says that if its what we want it's what we want but if Simon hurts me he will kill him.

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