Meeting the others

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Me and Josh got in his car and it was about a 2hour car journey through London to his house. We started talking and talking about what our old foster family's were like and what we like but then he quickly adds 'whatever you do, don't tell the guys we were orphans, Just say that our mum and dad was killed in a fire and we went to live with out Auntie Maggie.'
'Oh okay? I reply confused 'would they make fun of us?'
'Possibly yes but I'm not sure, if our fans found out I wouldn't hear the end of it' he explains.
'Ah right okay, I understand'
We arrived outside the sidemen house.
I don't know why it's called the sidemen house because only 3 sidemen live there and another one might stay there every so often.
'I'll get your suitcase and you go ahead and introduce yourself to some of the guys' Josh says.
'Okay!' I reply back.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I don't know any of their names and how many people are going to be there. What if I fuck up and they hate me? What if I say the wrong thing and upset them? What if I just take a small drink of Vodka to loosen me up? Wait, no I can't do that. I stopped drinking for my own good after the incident.

*flash back*
'You'll never take me alive!' I shouted at the cops while running down the river. I have drank like a whole bottle of vodka and I'm such a lightweight.
Next thing I know I was passed out as I tripped into the river and hit my head on a sharp rock under water.
I woke up in a hospital bed with no where to go as my foster family disowned me after that incident.
*flash back ends*

That's why I came here, to hopefully have decent friends and family. I took a deep breath and opened the door. 'H...he...hello?' I ask quietly.
'Hey, you must be Josh's sister'. A voice next to me said.
'Ethan you owe me £5 mate, she is definitely over an 8 on the scale' he says next.
Did he just basically call me hot? I have never been called that in my life!
'Oi, Harry shut up.' Josh says at him.
He runs away.
'Sorry about that' Josh says to me 'Harry can be a bit childish sometimes'.
'Naaa it's cool, don't worry about it'. I giggle.
'Charlotte... I don't want you hooking up with any of my friends... If they hurt you I wouldn't be able to forgive them even though they are like my best friends' Josh says quietly into my ear.
We walk into the living room and I see 4 other boys.
The short one came up to me and said 'Hey, how's it going? I'm Vikk. It's nice to meet you Charlotte'
Harry from before says 'yo, I'm sorry about when you came in but it's true'.
I hear a small growl Come from Josh's mouth at Harry.
'That's Ethan that is currently on the floor laughing his head off and that over there is Simon. Simon is a bit shy at first but he's super cool once you get to know him.

I look over at Simon and time just seems to stop in place. Oh my god... He is the definition of beautiful. He has dimples, perfectly shaped hair, blue eyes! He walks over to me and I suddenly feel sick in my stomach and I start to panic. Oh no, I'm too nervous to look at him. I can feel my face blushing and I quickly turn to Josh and ask him to kindly show me my room. If I stay down here anymore I'll start to panic even more and just shut down and faint.
'Oh yeah sure' Josh says 'follow me'.
'Talk to you later then' I hear a smooth deep voice tell me. It was Simons.
When I'm up in my room I ask Josh to leave me be for a bit. I quickly start pulling all my clothes off and I jump into bed. I have to relax naked other wise I am way to warm to function.
I lie in because and pull out my old Rio phone. I look back at my old messages from my ex and I realise how much pain he caused me. I became angry and I threw my phone on the ground causing it to break.
The next think I know there was a loud banging on my door.
'Charlotte? Are you okay?' I hear a voice saying.
'Yeah I'm good, I just dropped my phone' I quickly say back.

Before I know it, it is already in the evening and I am starving. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen and no body is there. I shout for Josh but there is no answer. He must of gone out and not told me.
'Charlotte, you alright?'
I froze in my place when I heard this voice. It was the deep smooth voice from before.
It was Simon.
I turn around and look at him. My god he is prefect.
'Hello? Earth to Charlotte?'
'Hey sorry, I just drifted off for a minute' I quickly reply.
'Ah right, it's cool do you want me to make you a sandwich?' He asks
'Errm, yes please' I look down in shyness.

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