The kiss

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*Simons POV*

After I've finished editing our Q and A I head over to Charlottes room. She wanted me to help her set up her new stuff. I can't wait till she can join us in sessions. It will be so much funnier with new people.

I lightly knock on her door but there is no answer. I quietly open the door to find she is asleep on her bed. I sneak out and call Josh and Vikk.

'Oi lads!' I whisper loudly 'let wake up Charlotte in the good old Sidemen fashion'.

We all gather around her bed and on the count of 3 we shout wake up at the top of our lungs. She jumps up out of bed and goes to run away but in doing so she runs right into me causing us to tumble onto the floor. Josh points the camera at us and starts laughing. 'Oi! You two better not become a thing' he bursts out laughing.

I can feel my cheeks blush but when I look at Charlotte her cheeks are bright red. She quickly jumps up and shouts I'm sorry and jumps back in bed and covers herself in her duvet. Josh puts away the camera an says 'welcome to the squad Charlotte'.

'Go away'

Josh and Vikk leave her and I sit on the bed next to her, I wonder whether her cheeks were red because of falling into me or because she was being filmed. 'So, Chazzy' I say with a smirk on my face, 'how about setting these up'.

'O..oh y.. Yeah sure' she smiles.

'Someone was blushing a lot when she ran into me' I say hoping to find out whether she liked me or not. I had only knownQ her a little while but something seemed to click when I was with her. I felt confident and happy. 'Does someone fancy me' I nudge her causing her to blush again.

'I don't not fancy you thank you very much' she says defensively.

'Your face tells me differently' I wink at her. Oh Christ, why did I wink. That was stupid. After a long day of setting up her new consoles I ask her if she wants to come to my room too watch these new horror movies. She tells me she doesn't like horror movies but it gives me an excuse to cuddle her and comfort her.

*Charlottes Pov*

Simon asked me before whether I wanted to watch horror movies with him, and I said yes because why not. It'll be fun and I have him as my protection.
As I walk into his room he has some beers laid out and some movies. I said I wanted to watch the purge and he handed me a beer.

'I'm sorry, I don't drink' I say quietly while looking away.

'That's fine, more for me then' he says while chuckling lightly to himself.

5 hours pass and Simon is a little bit tipsy but I am sober. Even though we were just watching horror movies he sure new how to drink. He had drank about 4 beers.
I suddenly noticed how I had my arms wrapped around his body and he had his arms around me.

I look up at him and smile. 'It's late now Simon I should probably go to sleep'. He looks down at me and tired and, to my surprise, says 'why can't you sleep here tonight? I'll feel safer with you after watching those movies'.

Before I could say anything he lifts up my chin and kisses me. He kissed me. Just then. Was it the drink? Did he actually mean it? My heart is racing right now. Why aren't I pulling away from him?! He pulls away smiles and falls flat asleep on his bed with his arms still wrapped around me.

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