My Knight in shining Armor

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''Please let me go'' I scream as hot tears make there way down my cheeks.

''I thought he loved you enough to give him self up '' he says while aiming the gun at my temples ''But I guess your life is not that important to him.'' Just as I thought I was going to die , a heard a gunshot and  the man fell to the ground. I lift up my head and I can't belive what I am seeing, Jason Blackwood  with a gun in his hand. I can't help but stare into those beautiful icy blue eyes that clashes with his dark hair, he was also tall, like 6''3 and fit.

''Are you okay?'' he asks as he walks towards me. I don't know what to think, should I be greatfull that the hot Bad Boy saved my life or scared to death that a Hot Bad Boy killed someone right in front of me? I glance towards the floor where the body of that man is surrounded by a pool of blood. As I am looking at his body I remeber that he wanted to kill me , I start crying a little bit but I wipe my tears back instantly.

''Hey don't worry, that guy was a bad man , he murderd so many people'' Jason says as he uses a pocket knife to slice the guy's shirt.

''Why are you ripping off his clothes?'' I ask , I mean mabey he's gay. Like if he were reading my mind he lifts his head up ''No, no !'' he says while continuing to search his back and chest.''I kneed to find his gang tatoo , if he is Solstice he will have a tatoo of a a ball of fire''

''What are you talking about? What the hell is a Solstice!''

''Bastardi!Bloody Equinox come back here!'' Two man in suits yell from a few meters away.

''Quick follow me!'' Jason pulls me across the street. ''Run!''

''I have heels!'' I protest as we speed walk.

''Shit!'' He then grabs my waist and throws me over his shoulder as he runs down streets and alleys untill he drops me in a car. He gets in the driver's seat and starts driving like if he were  in fast and furious .  My heart rate is accelerating by the second . In the last 10 minutes I was almost killed, I was an accomplice of a murder, I was chased by two man, thrown in car and now I am in a car with a Bad Boy going God knows where!

''What the hell was that?!'' I say with crazy eyes''Was it like really serious role play?''

''What? No''

He turns the car to the left, then to the right, then he drives in an alley, turns a few more times and some how we end up back on the road.

''That guy that tried to kill you was a Solstice. Solstice is a gang , there members are marked with a tatoo of a ball of flame . I am also in a gang , the Equinox . Once you are a member you get marked with a tatoo of a wolf howling to the moon. The Solstice and the Equinox have always been rivales, they were always competing to be the best gang . Who had more money? Who had more drugs? But a few years ago two  Equinox killed the leader of the Solstice. They have never been the same after that, the were no longer a respected gang but a pittied one. They were loosing memebers so they started kidnapping more children -

''More children , what did they kidnapped children before ? Is it like some sort of weird hobby?''

He chuckled before talking''Every gang would kidnap a few kids here and there to have more members. But they would only kidnap troubled kids who sold drugs , got high ,etcetera, eccetetra.But the Solstice would kidnap any kid in sight! Most of them died , killed themselves or were caught by the police''

''Okay , so you are telling me that you are in a gang?''

''Yep! Our headquarters/living is down at 5th Aavenue''

''Okay but why did that guy want to kill me?'' His jaw clenches.

''Probably wasn't going to kill you. Just use you as a prostitute fore the Soltice gang.'' I don't think so but whatever he is dead now.

''Dexter and Costello too?'' I paused '' Are in the gang ?''

''You catch on quick Princess!'' He winks and I feel my cheeks heat up. Why am I blushing for a guy in a gang?

''Thanks for saving me and all but if you could just drop me off on-

''You are not living in that appartmant anymore! Especially after all I just told you. From now on you will be living in the Equinox Mansion''

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