The Car Ride From Hell

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''There is no way in hell that I am willingly coming to live in your creepy gang mansion!'' I protest crossing my arms over my chest.

''Who says you have to go willingly? I'm a gang leader not some kindergarden teacher. I don't care about your feelings.''

I have to admit, I was hurt.

''Look I get that you and your friends are fucked up in your heads and enjoy killing people but I still do not uderstand why that Solstice guy wanted me dead. I know you said he wouldn't kill me but that look on his face-

I was cut off by a very angry Jason.

''Look princess don't go around making all these types of assumptions and demands! I din't nor any of my friends decided to be in a a gang! I was our only option. Now if you would stop running your mouth and just shut up for a second !''He paused than looked at me for a split second. I could feel his blue eyes on me . His eyes were just so different than any one I've ever seen. His eyes reminded me of the icy waters Ash and I used to swim in . Before he was kidnapped every summer my whole family and I would rent a cottage up in the mountains, it would only be for a week or two put it was so nice. I realise now that I took those moments for granted.  As I was thinking , his eyes were  a cold dark and mysterious blue.. But for example Ella's eyes were a more-

''Ella!'' I gasped.

''What about her?'' He asked while still focusing on the road. I wanted to ask him how he knew who Ella was , but I didn't feel like talking to him after his whole temper tantrum.

''She's still at the club!You see evry time Ella and I go out we have this rule ; one of us can drink as much as we want but the other must stay sobber to make sure that the other does not make any bad desicions. Last time I drank now she will drink and I won't be able to help her get home-

I wa scut of by the gangleader.

''Why can't she just take a cab?''

''Because Ella makes really bad desicions when she is drunk! She can end up loosing her virginity and going home with some weirdo!'' I thought back to the first time Ella and I ever drunk. We were at some high school party. We drank a lot! The next morning there was a bunch of pics of Astrid Rook , the school's most popular girl, dancing around half naked! People started using that against her , she got so embarrased and depressed that she tried to kill herself. That's why Ella and I made our pack.

''Look if you help me get her home safe I promise I will not say a word and I will come to live with you willingly!'' I said with tears starting to form in my eyes. I would give up my whole life to keep Ella safe, she's all the family I have left, she was there for me when my parents died. If it weren't for her I don't know how I would have done.

Jason turned his head and stared at me for few seconds , there was something in his eyes , I think it was concern. He picked up his phone and dialed a number.


''Hey man what's taking you so long?''

''The Solstice happened. Anyways I'll tell you when I get home. I need you to go to the Eclipse and make sure that Ella White gets home safely.''

''Uh ok. Why?''

''Because I said so and Jessamine wants her safe so I want her safe!'' Was the last thing he said before hanging up. I coundn't help but feel moved that he was doing this favour for me. I mean he's a gang leader , he isn't supposed to care ...but I think that mabey he does. I know it's stupid but there is some part of me that feels good when I'm around him. 

''So'' I trailed off not quite sure what I should say''You're a gang leader.''

He chuckled and I could see a smirk from the corner of my eyes. Mabey this wouldn't be the car ride from hell after all.

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