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Claire drew wildly on her open notebook in her English class. She sat near the windows, hoping nobody would pay attention to her. Claire didn't like all the attention on her, but she didn't know she had grabbed the football team's quarterback's attention. Owen Grady had the head cheerleader's attention, but all he wanted was the quiet red head to glance a smile at him. She didn't talk much, only when she was called on. Owen sat two rows over from her, and he had the perfect angle to watch his hand scribble across the page. Her glowing red hair swish as she moved to a new position.

"Claire, what did you get for #8?" our teacher caught her eye. She looked down at her paper, and glanced back up at him.

"I got letter A," she mumbled just loud enough for him to hear it. Owen smiled, even though he had gotten the question wrong- he had still gotten to hear her beautiful voice.

"That's correct, Ms.Dearing."
The rest of the class was a blur to Owen. He got called on once, and got the question wrong... again... but none of that mattered because Claire had given him eye contact that question.

"I.. uh... got C," he answered. Claire turned around in her seat, as did every other student. "I'm guessing I got it wrong..." Owen scratched his neck. Claire giggled, so did a couple of the other smart kids.

The head cheerleader called Vanessa spoke up, "It's not funny!!" Vanessa cried dramatically, "I got 50!"
Claire sighed and shook her head. Vanessa shouted, "Claire why are you judging me?!"

"I'm sorry, it's just..."

"It's just what?!"

"This is English class, and it was a multiple choice question..."

"You little bitch!" Vanessa cried.

Claire rolled her eyes, "I can't help that you put a stupid answer," she shrugged. I started laughing my butt off. The teacher even seemed surprised that Claire had made a snippy comment like that, his jaw was just slightly open.

"Mr.Masrani! Send her to the office right now!" Vanessa demanded.  Before he could reply, the bell rang. Claire stood up and Vanessa walked straight up to her. "How dare you-"

Claire cut her off, "hey I wouldn't have said it aloud if you didn't ask."

Vanessa pushed Claire's book on the ground and walked off.
I walked towards Claire and started helping her pick up her books.

"She can be a real bitch sometime," I laughed.

"Yeah," she smiled.

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