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Owen layed in bed at 1:30 am.

Claire Dearing

The name just had a nice ring to it. Her flowly red hair, that reminded him like the sunset being reflected off a river.

Owen Grady wasn't really the one to get caught in a web of emotions, but man- he was in over his head.

Claire captivated his thoughts, and he couldn't do anything about it.

1:34 am.

Claire was still keeping Owen awake, and she wasn't even with him. Owen thought about her sly comments she made in English class today. He also remembered the way her delicate hand felt when they briefly touched.

1:37 am.

Owen was crazy for Claire, and he was proud of it. She was imperfectly perfect. She was quiet, sure, but Owen always felt suffocated around the little bitch, Vanessa. He cringed at the name.


6:00 am.

The buzzer of the alarm clock starts to ring, and I complete sleep deprived Owen slams it off. Owen didn't get much sleep, but he didn't care. He thought about Claire most of the night, just having another conversation with her. And when he did sleep, he dreamed of the only conversation they did have. Owen stretched out of bed and sleepily put a grey shirt on, and of course, board shorts. He wandered into the kitchen to find his parents talking quietly, while having their coffee. Owen reached for a donut, one that they bought yesterday for breakfast today.

"Hold up," his dad said.

"No donuts until you explain this," his mother chimed in.

I raised an eyebrow, and then she held up a yellow paper. I didn't know what it was until she turned it around.

Report Cards

My heart sunk. I didn't feel like I did that terrible in anything.

"How about you read your grades to us, son," my father angerly handed me the packet. I nodded and gulped.

"Math: B, Social Studies: B-,  Science: C+, English: F," I paused and looked at my parents.

"That's all we need to hear," my mother sighed. "How the hell did you manage to get an F in English!?"

"I don't know, Mom!! It's hard!"

"Just go get ready for school, we are talking about this later," my dad yelled. I grabbed the donut and walked back to my room.

Today was going to suck.


I practically ran out of English, the teacher had kept me behind to talk about my grade. I had football practice in 5 minutes, I still had to change too, and if I was late again- 10 times around the whole football field.

I ran really fast down the halls and straight into a girl, knocking her over. I looked down and saw Claire glaring at me. I knocked down Claire. My god.

"I'm- I'm so sorry!" I reached down to help her up. She didn't accept my offer and stood up herself.

"Watch where you're going next time, okay?" She sighed and crossed her arms.

"Of course, I really am sorry, Claire," I gave a sorry smile.

"It's okay," she smiled back. She picked up her backpack and glanced back up at me. I was staring.

"Sorry... again.." my cheeks flushed pink.

She laughed, "you stare at me a lot, you know."

"I- I- umm."

She giggled lightly, "it's okay, though. I find it quite cute."

"I- I," I was lost for words. Claire Dearing, the Claire Dearing just told me my staring was "quite cute". I smiled widely, it's all I could. She smiled back,

"I'll see you tomorrow, Owen," she waved and walked off.

I stood there speechless.

After a minute of processing what just happened, another thought hit me like a truck.

I'm late to practice.

Crap! I ran off, making sure I don't knock over anyone this time.

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