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We met in the parking lot and I grimaced as he drove up in his ugly, loud-motored car. Patting the hood he joined me nearby and we were silent for a few moments, trying to come up with a solid plan.

"This has to work." Will mumbled and I agreed. If not, the dance was looming way too close for comfort. 

"What's the plan then?" I asked him.

"How should I know. You are the brains of the operation, remember?" His surly attitude bugged me and I wanted to smack him, but refrained. 

"Fine then. How about you make a fool of yourself. Go in and fall all over the place." I began to walk to the door, but he stopped me, grasping my elbow to turn me back to face him.

"Wait, why do I have to fall? I'm a good skater. Why don't you fall?'

I blinked at him as if he had just said the stupidest comment in the world.

"I am a girl. Hello?" I sniffed, nose in the air. "And besides, I bruise easy."

I did not want to tell him that I was too proud to do that. I had way too much pride to fall on purpose.

"Fine." He sighed angrily and together we went inside. I watched for our targets, finally seeing them on the floor, skating beside each other. At least they weren't holding hands! Yet.

I noticed that many Hill High students seemed to be at the rink, which would be even better. More distractions for the two. We waited until Kyle pulled aside, perhaps going to the bathroom or getting some water, before sending Will in.

The goth skated easily onto the center, locating his prey and then began to mock-skate poorly until he made it to just in front of her. When he fell so that she had to stop else fall on him, I felt like applauding his acting. It was brilliant!

I took that moment to locate Kyle. He was heading back and so I knew I had to hurry and run interference. 

"Hi Kyle." I batted my eyelashes at him and watched his smile fill up his face. I ignored the fact that it did not quite reach his eyes, indicating it was slightly forced.

"Hey Sissy. How’s it going?" I felt as if there was a large gulf between us, so hurried to make small talk.

"Good. Having fun skating. Love this place." I told him, despite not coming often due to the annoying and clueless people that hung around it.

 "Oh look at that loser." I pointed to Will as he fell again and smiled mentally when Natalie laughed along with him, helping him to his feet. Their hands connected a little longer than normal, which pleased me to no end.

"Looks like Natalie and Will are enjoying themselves." I leaned near the railing, making a great display of studying the two on the skatefloor.

"Hmm, did they come together?" 

I knew it would make it seem as if they were closer than they were. All part of the plan.

"Nah, I don't think so." Kyle's reply was not un-expected and he stared at them with a hurt look on his handsome face. I took no joy in his pain of course, but was jumping with glee on the inside at the thought of him seeing that Natalie was NOT for him.

"I'm hungry for more than this cheap stuff." I tugged at Kyle's arm lightly.

"Want to join me at the diner and grab something?" I crossed my mental fingers.

But I was to be disappointed as he shook his head and turned to me.

"Look, Sissy, I like you. You are a friend. But I'm here with Natalie."

I felt as if someone drove a stake through my heart and I felt my bottom lip stick out, pouting. I knew Kyle hated to see me sad and so I was going to use that to the best of my abilities. But as I did, I watched with severe disappointment as he left me to go on the skate floor, zinging over to where Natalie and Will were talking. When Kyle butted in, I could see Will's face turn red. He began to glower at the bigger guy and I wondered if he would fight the jock.

It was time for me to intercede. Especially since there was a group of students forming, hoping for a good scrap.

As soon as I got to them, I butted in.

"Oh, what's the matter Natalie? Is goth boy here not good enough for you? Are you so petty you can't see that he likes you?"

I knew I was throwing Will under the bus, but figured he'd thank me for it later. I heard murmurs of the crowd and felt Will's angry glare. Instead of giving Natalie time to reply to my questions, Will turned on me.

"And you don't like Kyle? Why don't you tell him that you like him, instead of attacking me, Sandra?"

Our plan was quickly disintegrating and spiralling out of control! I had to figure out how to get us back on track before we made complete fools of ourselves in front of everyone!

I looked to Ginny and Lana, who happened to be standing nearby. But they shrugged at me. Traitors!

"I don't care what either of you feel or think, Natalie and I are on a date together. With each other. And that's how we want it to be." Without saying anything further, Kyle gently grasped Natalie's wrist and pulled her to the floor, skating with their hands together as if we did not exist.

The crowd began to dissipate, staring and laughing at Will and me whenever they thought we weren't looking. I had never been so embarrassed or demoralized in my life.

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