"Why?" - Thomas

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I pant as my chest aches and my legs tense. With every step I take flashes of pain shoots up my calf and down my thighs. Every muscle in my body aches, yet the smile never leaves my face.

I was born a runner, W.I.C.K.E.D may have wiped my memory but they will never take away the familiar sensation of running like nobody cares.

I look up at the walls surrounding me and take in the beautiful vines hanging against the grey cement. The small and large holes are scattered across the wall bringing everything together. It's amazing how I can fall in love with something put here to destroy us.

I see the sun slowly disappearing behind the walls and I know we don't have much time before the doors close.

But... we'll make. We always do.

"Try and keep up you shank!" I yell over my shoulder as I pick up my pace from a fast run to a full sprint. I hear Minho huff behind me and his footsteps quicken.

"You're going to hurt yourself one day Y/N." Minho pants, out of breathe. I close my eyes as I laugh breathlessly.

We take a turn right, the world seems to slow down. With my eyes still closed, taking in my surrounding, I step on a rock. The pain is bearable but I somehow I lose my balance. The rock slips and I go tumbling to the floor. My ankle twists and my arm bends as my body comes in contact with the pebbled covered floor.

"Klunk!" Minho cruses under his breath. He bends down and scans me over. He places his hand softly on my ankle and I wince in pain.

"Ow." I whisper under my breath.

"Okay, why don't I ju-" Minho is cut off by the sound of concert scraping together. My heart skips a beat as I hear the familiar sound.

"The doors are closing. Quick, were almost there." Minho wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to my feet. I stand on my right foot as my left hangs there helplessly.

Minho starts walking at a fast pace and I already know we aren't going to make it.

We struggle down the walls and turn right. My eyes are on the ground, watching how my foot shakes causing pain to scream up my leg. I avoid crying out in pain by biting on my lip.

We take a left and then finally a right.

I look up for the first time and I see the Gladers standing at the edge of the grass. Once they spot me and Minho they start yelling.

As we get closer three voices stand out the most.

"Come on! Hurry Minho!" Newt.

"Just leave her. Run Minho!" Gally, that asshole.

"Hurry! You can do it! Baby! Please hurry." Tommy.

I see Tommy waving his arms beckoning us to hurry. My heart shatters as I see the panic in his eyes and hear the strain in his voice.

Our eyes meet and I know this is the last I'm going to see his beautiful shinny brown orbs.

Minho struggles to carry me and the doors are rapidly closing.

"We can't make it. I'm sorry." Minho says quietly. He stops, gently placing me down and collapsing beside me.

Thomas' POV

I sit in front of the open doors like I do every day, waiting for my girlfriend to appear with that gorgeous smile on her face.

I wish she wasn't a runner, I wish she would just stay in my arms all day where she's safe. But I know how running makes her feel, I know how much she would miss it if she wasn't a runner, I know how sad she would be if she stopped running and there's no way I could take that away from her.

I pluck a strand of grass and twist it in between my fingers. I watch as it curls in different direction until it escapes and falls to ground.

Just as I pluck another one, I hear two pair of footsteps behind me. I turn around and see Newt and Chuck standing there with worried faces.

"They haven't made it back, have they?" Newt asks.

I sigh, worry flooding my thoughts. "No, but they're going to make it. They will."

Minutes past and still there is no one.

All of the Gladers are surrounding the open doors and we stare down the corridor, vines draped down the sides of the grey concert.

The ground shakes as the doors shift. The sound of concert grinding together fills the glade. feel fill my heart stop beating as I see the doors come closer together.

Where are they? Why aren't they here? What happened?

As the doors keep shifting closer together, I see two figures emerging from the walls.

Minho has his arms wrapped tightly around Y/N's waist, guiding her. Y/N has her left leg up and she is hopping on her right.

"Oh my God." I whisper under my breath. She's hurt.

Everyone starts screaming and yelling, I'm waving my hands yelling as loud as I can. "Hurry! You can do it! Baby! Please hurry."

They're not going to make it.

The doors get closer together and I see Minho put Y/N down.

My heart stops knowing they have given up.

With one thing one my mind, I shoot out and run as fast as I can. The doors close around my shoulders and I turn my body as I run.

Just as I think I'm not going to make it, just as I think I lost my Y/N forever. I fall through the doors and fumble to the ground.

"Thomas?" I hear Y/N say. I lift my head and see her on the floor clutching her ankle.

"Y/N." I quickly scramble over to her and hug her tightly. "I was so scared."

"Why?" She simply asks, she wraps her arms around me. "Why'd you do it? Why'd you-"

"Because I love you..." I blurt out interrupting her. "And there's no way I'm leaving you behind."

She squeezes me tighter and whispers in my ear. "I love you too."

I pull back, cup her cheeks and kiss her with everything I've got.

A/N I'm sorry for the badly written maze runner slang.

Dylan O'Brien Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now