Picnic - Stiles Stilinski

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"Oh we can sit here." Stiles says as he points to a spot under a tree and drops the picnic basket on the ground. He takes out the rug and spreads it out in the shade the tree provides.

"Hmm actually-"

"Y/NNN please don't make us more agaaain." Stiles whines. We've been looking for a spot to have a picnic together and every spot Stiles suggests I didn't like.

A cheeky smile spreads across my lips and I laugh. "I'm joking Stiles, its perfect."

Stiles lets out a massive sigh of relief. "Thank God." He collapses on the picnic rug.

"Drama Queen." I mumble softly but say it loud enough for him to hear.

He's head shoots up immediately. "Me? A drama Queen? That's it, me and you are done."

I laugh and poke out my tongue. "Without me you wouldn't even be able to get out of bed. You can't live without me Stilinski and you know it."

"Very true." Stiles laughs as he pulls me down close beside him. I cuddle up against his side as he drapes his arm around my shoulders.

I can feel the warm sun against my skin, it makes me sleepy and without me realising my eyes start to drift shut until I've fallen asleep on Stiles.


My eyes snap open as I feel cold and restrained.

I look around the dark black room and it takes a few moments for my eyes to adjust but once they do I wish the room stayed black and empty.

I'm bound to a chair, arms and legs tied tightly. Blood dripping from my month and staining my white ripped jeans. Dirt is covering me from head to toe like someone dragged me through a shit load of mud.

I feel a sharp feeling on the side of my head, I feel the warm wet blood slowly sliding down my face. The feeling makes me shiver.

A gush of cold air enters the room and my ass cheeks squeezes together in fear like never before.

"Well look what we have here." The sinister dark voice of my boyfriend is heard from the other side of the room.

A horrible tight feeling spreads across my chest as I see 'Stiles'. Eyes empty of any emotion, lips dry, skin as white as snow and an evil smirk across his face.

"What's wrong Princess?"

"Nothing. I'm just stuck in a fucking basement with my arms and legs tied to a fucking chair with a fucking dickface taking over my boyfriend's mind and body. But yeah, it's all fucking fantastic." My voice trembles as I mention Stiles.

"I see why Stiles likes you so much. You guys are perfect together. Would you like to know what's he saying?" 'Stiles' asks.

I don't say anything. I just wish that this was all over and I was cuddling with the real Stiles in bed while binge watching Episodes 4-6 of Star Wars cause, according to Stiles, all the other episodes sucked shit.

"I'll just tell you anyway. He's screaming at me to leave you alone." 'Stiles' starts circling the chair I'm tied to. Every so often leaning down and breathing against the back of my neck, his lips almost touching my skin.

"'Don't touch her' he screams. 'If you lay one hand on her I'll kill you'" He says in a high mocking voice.

"Hmm... I wonder how much he can scream until he gives up." 'Stiles' takes a moment and stops circling me so he can sink into a deep thought.

"Ooh, I know exactly what to do."

He comes over and stands in front of me. He moves his hands to his back and what I see next makes my heart drop.

In his hand he is holding a sharp thick kitchen knife. It shines slightly in the small amount of light.

"Oh, he's gotten louder. Interesting..."

'Stiles' doesn't do anything for a few moments, until suddenly he thrusts towards me. He presses the sharp blade against my throat. He's face is really close to mine, and I can feel he's cold breath against my lips.

I wince as I feel the knife creating a small but deep enough cut to draw blood.

The sinister laugh that comes out of his face, that used to be my sweet innocent Stiles, could make anyone shit there pants.

"'Stop!' He screamed." He laughs again and there's nothing more in the world I want to do then punch this asshole in the face.

"I wonder how long it'll take for someone to bleed to death." He takes a few steps back and analyses my weak helpless body. After a minute of tense staring he moves closer to me.

"Let's do some math huh? Okay, so if I want you to bleed to death within... I don't know, let's say ten minutes? I think you, Princess, needs a bit more cuts? Just a few okay?"

I don't have enough time to processes what he said because suddenly I have a knife in my thigh.

I scream the loudest I've ever screamed in my life. The pain is the worst thing I've ever felt in my life. The whole situation becomes too over whelming and I feel my body become weak and I'm unable to keep my eye open and I faint in fear.


"Y/N?!" I hear Stiles yelling out my name and my body starts to shake.

I open my eyes and Stiles face is close to mine.

I freak the fuck out and jump out of his arms. I turn and try to run as fast as I can.

I see blue skies and green grass. I notice people heads turning towards me and I feel the fear wash away from my face as I realise what's happening.

I stop running and turn behind. I see Stiles looking at me with sad, teary eyes. I quickly run back to our rug and sit down.

"Stiles I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too. I'm sorry." I look at Stiles to see tears falling from his eyes. "Aww Stiles..."

I bring him in my arms and hold him as tight as I can.

"Was it..." I feel Stiles' hand slide against my left thigh where Void stabbed me.

"Yes." I say softly.

"Stiles," I push him away slightly so I can be face to face with him. "What happened is in the past. That was almost a year ago. You had no control of what you were doing. None of it was your fault. Okay? None at all. I love you Stiles. So much."

I see a small smile on my boyfriend's face and I bring his lips to mine and kiss him softly and passionately.

We pull back and there is an even bigger smile on his face.

"Let's enjoy this picnic yeah?"

We spend the rest of the day eating sandwiches and reeses. We play tag, and cuddled with each other, I fall asleep again but I dream about me and Stiles saving the galaxy.

Dylan O'Brien Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now