Chapter 2 - Moving out

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"Alyssa, I need to talk to you about last night. David and I are getting married and I'm sorry if you don't agree with that, but you need to understand that I love him." My mum looks at me with  a smile, hoping I would give him a chance. "I understand mum. I'm sorry about how I reacted last night. I just really miss dad." I say with tears rolling down my cheeks. I then see a figure pop in my doorway. It's David, and he's standing there with a sad look on his face. "I know you miss your dad Alyssa, but I love your mum too and I wouldn't want to get married with her if it wasn't the best thing for her. I care for her and I hope that you see that." He had a sincere look on his face. "I do see that". I finally admitted. David came closer and we all had a 'family hug'.

Oh, and one other thing sweetie". My mother said with a satisfied look on her face when she realized that I had accepted the fact that she had moved on from my father. "David and I are going on a honeymoon after the wedding around the world and it will take us more than 2 months to be back, so we're going to need you to stay with your brother for abit", I looked at her wide eyed.

"But mum I can take care of myself and the house, and I won't have parties when your away. I don't need to stay with Josh." Josh is my older brother, and don't get me wrong I love him and we facetime eachother everyday. But I think that'd it be nice to have the house to myself you know. "Honey, I know you can. But you're only 19 and I just don't think it'd be safe for you to be in the house alone." "But mum -" I got cut off by mum's sudden interruption. "Please Lyss", she pleaded. "Okay" I finally replied.

*A few days after the wedding*

"Mum! Do you know where my grey winter jacket is?!" I shouted peering out of my room, my voice echoed the halls of our three story house. "No! Do you really need it?" "Yes mum I do! It's like -16 degrees out! I'd die without it!" I went back to my closet beginning to lose hope of finding that jacket until my mum came in. "Is this the one sweetie?" She stood in my doorway with her arm extended holding out my jacket. "Yes mum, it is. You're a life saver. Literally" Then we both began chuckling until my mum approached me while having to step over all my clothes and luggage on the floor. "Give me a hug sweetheart" she said with her arms wide open. I accepted her embrace and we sat down on my bed. I drew away. "Mum I'm going to miss you." I said looking at her. "I know, and I'll miss you too. But you'll be staying with your brother and his friends. I'm sure they'll take care of you." She pulled me in for another hug. "Yeah, but I doubt that they'd be able to make me your lasagna!" I said jokingly. "You never know" she replied back.

After we were all done packing, we got into the car and began loading the trunk with my mum's and David's suitcases. I drove them to the airport and said my goodbyes. Then I went home and looked at all my suitcases and brought them all down stairs, ready for tomorrow which was the day of my flight.

I laid down on my bed and picked up my phone. I saw a text message from my best friend Beth.

From: Beth 💫
Hey Lyss, since today's your last day being in Leeds until you come back in a few months I thought we could hang out at the mall! :)

To: Beth💫
Yeah, sure. That'd be great! I'll see you there at 4pm.
- L xoxo

I checked my phone to see that the time was currently 3:24pm. Enough time for me to get dressed. I put my black jeans on and a white sweater which I used a black bomber jacket ontop of. Then I did my hair into a messy bun and put on some light make up. I slipped my ugg boots on when I got downstairs. 3:54 was the time on my phone and I could drive to the mall in no time.

To: Beth💫
Hey, I'm at the main entrance wru?

From: Beth💫

Typical Beth, always at Starbucks. When I reached Starbucks I saw Beth waving at me to go to her table. "Hey Alyssa! So glad you could make it!" "Thanks for inviting me out" "Yeah, no problem. Shall we go and order?" "Sure".

"Hi, could I please have a caramel macchiato and one hot chocolate?" I ordered at the counter. "Yeah, of course. What name would that be under, beautiful?" I blushed at the barista calling me that. "Um, Alyssa. A-L-Y-S-S-A. Thank you"

After I got our orders from the register I sat back down with Beth who was waiting at the table and told her about the barista calling me beautiful. "Ooooooooohh. Speaking of guys, do you think you're going to get a boyfriend while in London?" Beth asked curiously. "No, I don't think so." We both laughed. "I doubt that. You're gorgeous and you have an amazing personality. Someone is bound to ask you out there." She explained. I started blushing from her compliments and told her to stop. I always find it hard to take compliments.

After Starbucks, we went shopping and ate at Nandos. Then we waved eachother goodbye and I headed home. Tomorrow was it. Tomorrow's when I stay with Josh and the Sidemen.

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