Chapter 3 - London Bound

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As I headed to the airport I felt worried. Worried about moving to London and worried that Josh's friends might not accept me. When we reached the airport I payed the uber driver and got out of the car, mentally wishing myself good luck as I had never flown on an airplane alone before.

*After the flight*

Phew. I landed safe and sound. My mum made me promise to text her when I arrived. I also had to text Josh to come and pick me up.

To: Mum💗
Hi mum, Safely landed in London. Now waiting for Josh to pick me up :)

To: Big bro💙
Hey big bro, I've landed. When are you coming?

I got a message back from Josh almost instantly

From: Big bro💙
Turn around you silly sausage.

I turned around and saw him standing there with the biggest grin on his face. "Josh!! It's been so long!" I instantly hugged him. "Aw. I've missed you too little sis" he said with a baby voice. "Alright let's get you back to the house and I'll introduce you to the lads. "Sounds great"

"Alright, we're here. Wake up." Josh said whilst shaking me awake. I stepped out of the car to see a big house infront of me. "I know it's not as big as the home back in Leeds. But it's still pretty big innit?" He asked. "Are you kidding me? This place is huge!" He laughed. "I was only joking jeez." (Me and mum moved away from home to go to Leeds where my mum's side of the family lived when my dad died) He explained. "Alright, how about I introduce you to the boys then me and you can get your luggage and I'll show you to your room?" "Yeah sure".

Josh approached the house and I trailed behind him nervously. When we got inside, I stood next to him waiting for the boys to come.
"Boys! I have someone for you to meet! Come down". Josh's voices flooded the house. Soon after, five boys came down the stairs and one came out from the living room. "Okay, Alyssa meet Simon, Vik, JJ, Tobi, Ethan, and Harry."
I waved at them and they all smiled back. "Guys, this is my sister, Alyssa." Josh gestured towards me. "But you guys can call me Lyss" I smiled slightly while studying each boy's face. Wow they all looked much more handsome in real life, especially Simon. "Alright, lets go and unpack now Lyss" Josh said while walking outside.

As we were unloading my suitcases and boxes from the car, Josh stopped what he was doing and looked at me weirdly. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked. "Alyssa. Please promise me something." He pleaded. "Yeah, anything." "Please don't date any of the boys." I jumped at his words. "What makes you think I'm going to?", I asked hesitantly. "Nothing. Let's forget it. Just keep your promise." He said as he picked up the last of my bags and brought it inside, with me following after him.

"I'll show you to your room then we can bring your bags up." Josh explained as we walked towards the stairs which were right infront of the main entrance. "Alright".  As we reached the upstairs he explained to me that only him, Vik, JJ, and Simon lived here but the others came today to see me. "I know Josh." I began chuckling. "I watch all of your guys' videos remember?" "Oh yeah, forgot about that" he mumbled, embarrassed. "Well this is Vik's room." He said when we passed by a door covered in stickers. "This is JJ's room. He has the biggest room which is in my opinion UNFAIR!" He shouted when he came to a halt outside JJ's door, trying to get JJ to hear him. "And this up here is Simon's room." Josh said while knocking on the door.

"Yo", Simon said opening the door quickly. "What do you wa-" He began but stopped when he saw me. "Oh, hey Alyssa." He said with a smile on his face. "Hi" I replied, smiling back. "Simon, I'm just giving Alyssa a tour of the house an-" Josh's phone started ringing. "Sorry I gotta take this. I'll be back." He said running down the stairs, leaving me and Simon alone. "So.. Uh. Do you wanna come in?" Simon asked while ruffling his hair. "Sure." I said with a smile on my face. I walked inside looking around. His room was pretty neat, his bed was made and there were no dirty clothes on his floor. "So. Do you watch my videos?" He asked while taking a seat on his recording chair. "Yeah, of course I do" I said giggling like a fangirl. "I love all of them. You're my favourite Sidemen member, well besides Josh that is." Simon looked at me with red cheeks after I told him that. "Well,uh which videos do you like?" "All." I simply replied. We stood there in an awkward silence that was somehow still comfortable. "Do you maybe want to some time record a video with me?", Simon asked with an excited look on his face. "I'd love that. But I wouldn't know what to do". I mumbled the last part. "Well, I'm sure you'd be a natural so don't worry about it" He said with a faint smile. I heard the sound of heavy footsteps come up the stairs and the next thing I knew Josh was ushering me out of Simon's room. "Bye Lyss" Simon called out as I walked out of his room.

We walked not even 10 steps before coming to a stop. "Now this here is your room, it's the spare room and has the most natural lighting in it. Fancy innit." Josh pointed out. "Oh but also to warn you. It's right above JJ's which means you'll be able to hear the weirdest of sounds in the house." He exclaimed laughing. "And since it's right opposite Simon's room he'll probably go to you and ask you to join him in a Q&A or something, so yeah." "Hm. I guess that sounds cool. Just not the JJ and weird noises part." I replied and we both bursted out laughing.

"Okay you better start unpacking." "Wait aren't you gonna help me?" I ask confusedly. "Hahahahahahahah no. You see sis, around here we're independent. So you need to start doing things on your own." He replied teasingly. "But your meant to be the dad of the house and look after everyone!" I mocked him. "Okay bye Lyss." He rushed out of my room and down the stairs within a blink of the eye. Wow Josh, what a great brother.

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