*Chapter 61*

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Calum's P.O.V
I went in my room closed the door sat on my bed and stared at the folded piece of paper that said Calum on the front I stared at it for a bit then unfolded and started reading
Dear Calum,
I bet you weren't expecting a letter from me well i was bored just laying here in this hospital bed and I seen this piece of paper and a pen just laying on the dresser and I decided to write idk writing for some odd reason just makes me feel better and relaxed of course you know that you know everything there is to know about me and I know everything there is to know about you well at least I thought I did obviously I didn't anyway if the boys haven't already told you I'm doing ok I guess and was released from the hospital and on my way home yup that's right I'm on a plane all by myself right about now and it feels good to conquer my fear anyway that's all I  really wanted to say I knew you would be worried and I don't want you to worry I'm ok I'm really ok even after what happened between us and I know what your probably thinking and no this letter doesn't mean I forgive you I just I don't know I thought I should let you know I'm ok so you wouldn't worry and ruin  the tour you should be happy for the fans there more important right now as for us I don't know I think we just need a break a long break or at least until I figure things out until then we should just move on with our life's you on your tours and making people happy and me going back to school I know this probably won't be easy at first because were so used to being together every minute of every day but it's for the best we just need some time apart until then I hope you have a awesome life I hope you find someone who makes you happy someone who doesn't stress you out or makes you wanna drink all the time and yeah I'm running out of space to write there's only so much you can write on one piece of paper I wanna write more but I can't but it's ok anyway I guess this Is goodbye I would be lying right now if I said I wasn't crying you know how I am I just ugh I'm wetting the paper with my tears I really gotta stop but it's really hard but what goodbye isn't hard all goodbyes are hard especially when your saying goodbye to someone who meant so much to you it's gonna hurt it's gonna hurt bad anyway I gotta go I'm running out of room stay safe and have a awesome life and who knows maybe one day we'll see each other again but until then goodbye.
Your best friend.
Y/N's P.O.V
I opened my eyes looked around and felt a thud I sat up looked out the window and seen that we landed I smiled finally. I unbuckled my seat belt got up and got off the the plane put my stuff in a taxi which was really hard cause I'm on crutches. I got in tbe taxi bucked my seat belt then felt something vibrate in my pocket oh it's my phone I grabbed it and seen a text from Mikey I smiled
Michael: hey did u land yet?
Y/N: yeah just did god it's so good to be home❤️
Michael: lol I bet it is Anyway I saw what you put on my back you little shit
I was walking the whole time with a pice of paper taped to my back no wonder the fans were laughing I probably looked like a freakin retard
Y/N: lmao I wish I could've been there anyway did you read it
Michael: yeah me and luke and cried for 10 minutes straight
Y/N: awwww wait ash didn't read it
Michael: yeah he did when he got back from Starbucks and he also cried
Y/N: awwwww I'm gonna miss my coffee buddy so much
Michael: he said he's gonna miss you too and getting coffee won't be the same without you
Y/N: aww same and I'm gonna miss you and luke too
Michael: were gonna miss you too I'm gonna miss you more tho it's gonna be hard without you here
Y/N: same here oh I g2g the taxi just pulled up to my house
Michael: ok I gotta go to I have rehearsal ugh I really don't want To go 😩
Y/N: well u have too lol I'll text u later love ya❤️
Michael: lol love ya too❤️
I put my phone in my pocket and managed to drag my bags Inside cause the stupid taxi driver wouldn't help me. I closed the door and just looked around at the dark quiet empty room tears filled my eyes god so many memories come to mind ugh this is gonna be so hard. I went in my room put my stuff away and seen one of cal's shirts laying on the bed he must have forgot it I stared at it for a bit then grabbed it and threw it on ugh it smells just like him. I laid on my bed and felt something in the blanket I lifted it up and smiled omg its Daniel I remember the day Mikey won this for me god he's so sweet i really wish he was her right now so we can cuddle I miss his cuddles ugh well at least I have Daniel he could be my new cuddle buddy for now I grabbed him and threw the blanket over me and turned on the t.v and cuddled with the tiny soft lion.

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