*Chapter 67*

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Y/N's P.O.V
I finally finished my errands and I'm So freakin tired I went in my room got under my blankets grabbed Daniel and instantly passed out. I opened my eyes and threw my alarm at the wall and got up showered dressed then got in my car and turned the radio on and green day was playing I love green day. I got to work and I'm already so freakin bored and I haven't even been here an hour. I put a green day album on then sat in my chair looked around then the door opened I smiled
"Hi welcome to music shack" I said
"Hi omg your Y/N" she said
"Yep that's me can I help you with anything"? I said
"Actually yeah I'm looking for a shirt and I think you might have it" she said
"Oh would it happen to be this shirt" I said then held up one of the boys band shirts
"Yes omg that's it the one with the skull" she said
"Nice choice I have this one and a few others the skull ones are definitely my favorite" I said
"Same it's the best seller that's why many stores are out except for this one" she said
"Yeah people only think we sell albums and stuff but we also sell merch and other cool stuff too" I said
"Yeah anyway I'll just take that" she said
"Ok that'll be 18.00$" I said
"18? I thought it was like 22.00"? She said
"Yeah well I might have used my employee discount" I said
"Omg seriously thank you your so nice" she said I smiled
"Your welcome" I said then put it in a bag and handed it to her
"Thank you so much I can't wait to wear this to there show downtown this weekend" she said I smiled then my eyes widened
"Wait wait downtown"? I said
"Yup there coming to town for about 3 weeks for there break and to do a few shows here after" she said
"Well no one told me they were gonna be in town" I said
"Oh I though you new you are like one of the most important people to them" she said
"Or so I thought" I said
"What"? She said
"Oh uh nothing um have a great time at the concert" I said
"Ok thanks again bye" she said
"Bye" I said she smiled then left I stared at the door for a bit then sat down and grabbed my phone and looked through twitter hoping what she said wasn't true but it was actually it was trending I went on Mikey's twitter and seen a tweet saying:
"Just landed it's so good to be home can't wait to go home and relax for a few weeks then go back at it!" I stared at it for a bit then put my phone down and stared at the cardboard cutout of the boys sanding by their merch it's amazing how far they came over the past two years it's insane I'm so proud of them I wish I can tell them that I wish I could tell them how proud I am and how much I miss and love them
But I can't I haven't spoken to them in a while we tried but we just talked less and less and eventually we stopped and it was hard at first but you get used to it believe it or not. After a few more hours of working I was finally off and just went straight home and collapsed on my couch I closed my eyes staring to doze off then my phone buzzed I grabbed it and seen that Michael tweeted
"Just got home gonna take a long nap then go have some fun with the boys I hope we get pizza🍕" I smiled then put a blanket over me burried my face in a pillow and thought about Mikey.
Michael's P.O.V
Omg it feels so damn good to be home I can't remember the last time i slept in my own bed. I closed my eyes and was about to fall asleep then my phone went off it's my twitter notifications Y/N tweeted I smiled
"Just had a bad nightmare that literally made me cry there's no way I can go back to sleep might was well just Stay up and watch the Simpsons 😞" I stared at the tweet for a bit then got up threw on some pants and a sweater then grabbed my phone ran down stairs went outside and started walking towards Y/N's house. I got to her house and it was so dark I could barley see
The driveway. I walked up to her door ringed the doorbell Waited and waited then the door opened and her beautiful eyes widened and they started filling up with tears I smiled and tears started rolling down her cheeks
"Finally" I said with my eyes getting watery
"M-Michael"??? She said I nodded
"Yeah it's me love" I said and more tears started rolling down her cheeks
"Y-you Remembered me I-I though you forgot about m-me I t-thought I'd never s-see you again" she said crying a bit I smiled and she smiled then ran into my arms and started sobbing which made me cry a bit too
"I missed you" I said
"I missed you too I missed you so much" she said her voice breaking. We hugged for a bit then I let her go she wiped her face then we went inside and sat on the couch and just stared at each other for a bit I smiled then hugged her again she giggled
"I still can't believe you here like it feels so unreal" she said
"Same I can't believe I'm actually hugging you right now it just doesn't feel real it's been so long" I said
"It has it really has" she said
"How have ya been" I said
"Ok what about you rockstar how's tour with the boys"? She said
"It's been awesome to be honest i thought a lot about you during the tour fuck you were the only thing I thought about" I said
"Really same here" she said
"It's really nice to see your beautiful face again" I said she giggled
"I missed how sweet you are" she said I laughed
"Now that I'm here I just I don't how I got through the whole tour without you I really don't" I said she stared at me for a bit and her eyes started getting watery and her smile faded she looked away then looked at her wrists and rubbed them
"I-It was hard without you guys really hard school was total hell I was so lone I had no one when I graduated I reserved 4 seats in case you guys remembered and would come I hoped and hoped that you guys would come but once they called my name I knew you weren't and it broke my heart I always imagined you guys being there when I graduated but you weren't and it was devastating a few months after things didn't get much better I didn't get the scholarship and I had to get a job but I knew even with this job I probably would never be able to go to college....it was heartbreaking I became so depressed and...I did some stupid things" I said "what did you do"? I said with tears streaming down my cheeks she stared at me for a bit then pulled up her selves and what I saw literally made me break down in tears
"Omg" I said crying
"Im so sorry I couldn't help it I was miserable and I'm so sorry" she said I stared at her for a bit then threw my arms around her and held her so tight she cried for a bit then took her face out of my shirt wiped her face with her sweater paws then looked at me I stared at her for a bit then grabbed her and and got up went in the bathroom opened the cabinets and grabbed some bandages and cotton gauze. I placed the cotton gauze on her arms wrapped them with the bandages then I grabbed a sharpie and drew hearts and We love you on them. I put the sharpie down kissed her arms she looked at her arms and tears filled her eyes she looked back at me and smiled
"Thank you" she said then hugged me I smiled
"Promise me you won't do that anymore your not only hurting yourself doing this your hurting all of us don't do it anymore please I love you so much" I said she smiled
"I'm sorry I promise I won't and trust me these are old scars I haven't done it for a about a month" I said
"Good and every time you get the urge too which I hope you don't just look at your arms and read what they say" I said
"I will and I swear I won't anymore I'll be ok now that you guys are here and I love you too" she said and smiled I smiled
"Good now I'm cold let's go get in the warm bed and cuddle there's no way I'm leaving you alone" I said she giggled
"Omg that freakin giggle just made me feel so much better" I said she laughed
"Ok omg can we watch a disney movie or is it too late"? She said
"No it's not too late and whatever you want love" I said she laughed
"Yay let's go"! She said then grabbed my hand and ran upstairs cuddle and movie time!!!

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