*Chapter 64*

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Y/N's P.O.V
I opened my eyes and I could barley see out of them cause there so swollen. I sat up rubbed them then got up went to the bathroom and my eyes were red and swollen as fuck holy shit. I rubbed them then went in my room opened the door and ran Into a wall ow I went downstairs grabbed a bag of frozen vegetables collapsed on the couch and placed it over my eyes this is what I get for crying so much ugh it's cal's fault. I started dozing off then my phone went off shit I sat up felt around the whole table until i felt my phone
Luke: heyy Y/N just checking in wanted to make sure you were ok before I headed to bed
Luke: Y/N?
Y/N: luk I can se
Luke: what?
Y/N: I can se
Luke: you can see? Wa- r u drunk???
Y/N: nu I cant se
Luke: ooh you Can't see wait WHAT?!? Why can't you see r u ok?
Y/N: no nt rlly mi eys r swollin frm cring su muc
Luke:Why were you crying so much?
Y/N: cal
Luke: yeah well that pretty much explains it
Y/N: mi eyes r getting betur
Luke: good is cal still there?
Y/N: nu he lef
Luke: good what happened why did he go over there in the first place
Y/N: long storie
Luke: oh well he's gone now so you don't have to cry anymore
Y/N: yea wel I don't rlly hav a choice I dont hav any tears lef to cry ugh I wis u guys wer here I rlly need someone to cuddle with
Luke: I wish I was there too I could also use a cuddle
Y/N: you have Mikey and ash go cuddle with them
Luke: they suck they don't like to cuddle
Y/N: what?! No way Michael is like the cuddliest person ever
Luke: yeah well ever since you left Michael hasn't been that cuddly he's been pretty down actually he's in bed most of the time and you know how his green eyes are so bright and sparky well now there just dull and full of sadness
Y/N: noooo not his beautiful eyes they were my favorite thing about him
Luke: yeah and it's not just him who's been feeling down me and ash have been feeling down too it's just nothing's the same without you we miss you so damn much
Y/N: aw I miss you guys too maybe on your break you can come home
Luke: maybe yawwwn I'm so tired
Y/N: wait isn't it like 4 in the morning there?
Luke: yeah
Y/N: omg am I keeping you up omg I'm so sorry go get some sleep you need it you have a big day tomorrow
Luke: ok I'll call you tomorrow  love ya❤️
Y/N: love ya too goodnight❤️
Michael's P.O.V
I opened my eyes yawned looked around an seen luke next to me staring at his phone what the hell
"What the hell luke it's 4 in the morning why are you staring at your phone"? I said
"Oh sorry did I wake you? I couldn't sleep and I was texting Y/N she needed someone to talk to" he said
"What? Why is she ok"? I said
"I guess if crying until your eyes are swollen shut is ok then yeah she's ok" I said
"What why was she crying"? I said
"Calum" he said
"Oh well that pretty much explains it dumb ass he shouldn't have went over there now look what he did god he's so stupid" I said
"Yeah she was pretty upset and she said she really needed someone to cuddle with" he said
"Ugh what I would give to cuddle with her" I said
"Yeah anyway I'm freakin tired I'm gonna go to bed" he said then got comfortable under the blankets
"Tell me again why your in my bed and not yours"? I said
"Cause I'm sad and when I'm sad I don't like to be alone" he said I started at him for a bit then smiled and laid my head on the soft pillow
"Goodnight" I said
"Night" he said
I opened my eyes and herd a loud beeping noise I sat up and seen my phone flashing I gotta miss call I grabbed and seen that it was 6 in the morning wtf who's calling me this early wait oh it's Y/N and she left a voicemail I put my volume up clicked the play button and listened to her beautiful voice talking
"Hey Mikey I know it's probably really early there but I don't know I just feel lonely and I wanted to talk to someone I was talking to luke for a while but he ended up going to bed oh speaking of luke he was telling me how sad you were and he told me about how down you were and he told me about your eyes how they are dull and lost there sparkle and that literally broke my heart your eyes were beautiful and my favorite thing about you he also told me him and ash were feeling down too which made me even sadder you guys shouldn't be sad because I'm gone you should be happy it's one less distraction for you guys you can focus more on your music now rather than on me and don't you dare argue with me you know I'm right you know it's true and I'm ok with it as long as you guys are happy please stop worrying about me I'm an adult I can take of myself well I haven't done a great job so far but I can plus my mum's here to take care of me so you don't have to worry anymore just be happy please for me promise me you'll stop worrying about me and be happy cause that will make me happy very happy I love you guys so much I always will and I'll never forget about you have a awesome life full of happiness you deserve it tell luke I love him and when I see him he's gonna get the biggest cuddle ever! And tell ash that when I see him were gonna go to Starbucks and drink until we drop and finally tell cal that I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong and I hope we can get better in time and yeah that's pretty much it stay safe and rock your socks off I'm crazy proud of you guys and remember I'm never to far away I'll always be close to you in your heart if you need someone I'm here I love you guys so fucking much have fun but not to much fun I'll see you guys when I see you until then bye love you" she said

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