The Teams Meet for Her

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Everyone cares about Liyra,some people don't know this...but it's true.Ever since Liyra went to the park,everyone at the offices is worried she will run off again.Especially Sky,her only living family member,Aleasa and Mason are family to,but not like blood relation.Everyone is stressed,worried,and confused at why Liyra flinched when Sky stood up...Interesting indeed,very interesting...

Jin POV(Such new!)

Everyone is terrified,you can see it in their eyes.At least one person stays with Liyra to keep her out of trouble."Guys,can we record a video with Liyra?Last night she was screaming,she had bad dreams..."I nodded,Adam yelled for Liyra to come and record.She scurried over,she was wearing a galaxy shirt with the Tardis(Dr.Who),black leggings,purple converse and a dark blue necklace with the sonic screwdriver."You look...kawaii,your style."She giggles,I smile.Ross walks in,he frowns and walks off,pissed."Whats with him?Did something happen between you to?''Liyra's face turns into a questioning look."Nothing I can recall...maybe it has to do with you complementing my outfit?"I look at Ross,he's recording with Barney.I can tell,he's yelling at Ross."OH NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"I look at Ross,he storms out of his office and rushes to Liyra.She lets out a little squeak and puts her hands over her face."Princess is startled...Are you scared?"Liyra pulls her hands off her face,only to be greeted by eyes looking,waiting for an answer."Just brings back memories,good and bad..."I raise an eyebrow."What do you mean'good and bad'?"She looks at her feet,then looks up."Guys...what is cake?"Everyone is SUPER surprised by this question,everyone is yelling.Liyra looks...confined,she's not telling us something."CAKE IS THE BEST FUGGING FUD EVAR!!!LETS GO GET SOME!!!"Everyone is screaming at Liyra,she looks scared,but is soon replaced by happiness."Ok...I am terrified,but ok..."Her voice was EXTREMELY quiet,you could barely hear it."Awww!#Liybop!"Liyra blushed,then ran to the office we set up for her."ADAM YOU LITTLE KID!!!!!!"I ran after Liyra to calm her down.Tears were streaming down her face,she looked up.Her eyes were puffy and red from crying."Leave me alone..........I just want to cry my eyes out in peace..."I walked towards her,expecting her to yell,she did not."Liyra...they are just being jerks,I have feelings for everyone...when you were younger,you had a crush on Sky,correct?"She looked at me and nodded,she whispered so softly,I had to lean in slightly to hear her."I-I just*sighs*He's such a......little short potato--"She was cut off by Adam tickling her from behind."How much did you hear?"He smirked."Enough..."She turned red,then spoke."Want to know how I felt when you married Aleasa?I'll tell you...I felt...happy and upset,but you were happy and that's all I care about."She walked to Ross,buried her face into his chest,and cried."I-I want to-to g-go home...I don't like the feeling in the air..."Ross put his right arm around her sholders and walked her to the couch."Liees...It's okay,many people are jealous of Ad--""I AM NOT JEALOUS!!!I AM HAPPY FOR HIM!!!"Liyra screamed,she was pissed."Calm down Li-""JUST GO AWAY!!!"Tears streaming down her face,she ran to Adam's office and locked the door."HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO RECORD!!!"Adam is pissed,Liyra is crying,Ross is trying to comfort her,and everyone else is either recording or getting work done.My phone beeped.

"Hello?" "HEY!JB good to see you,how's everyone doing?"An awakrd silence filled the room, "Everything is ok...Liyra had a melt down Ty,she locked herself in Adam's office since hers doesn't have a lock"Ty chuckled. "Adam's pissed, correct?" I laugh,"so why did you call me?"I hear him gasp."YOU DON"T KNOW!!!IT"S LIYRA"S BIRTHDAY,IT'S IN 3 DAYS!!!"my eyes widen, I feel my heart quicken. "I thought is was next month?LET"S THROW HER"Ty said yes,then said he was going to visit. "COOL!Liyra's gonna' be estatic!"He said yes,then said he,Tyler,and Jason had to pack."SEE YA!"I hung up,I pumped my fist into the air.BEST.PLAN.EVER!!!!!!!!!!


I am sooo pissed at Adam,but we have to record a video today.I unlock his office,but I stand and wait for him to notice."Liyra..."Ross was standing in the door way,I don't answer back.I push past him and go to my office,Adam is wating for me"Liees,tell me what's wrong...that's why I'm here..."I run over and hug him."Don't you ever ship me with Jin,ever..."He smiles,then speaks."Let's record a minecraft video to explain some things,I'll invite Ty,Tyler,Jason,Ross,Barney,and Max to play."I smiled and blushed.He calls everyone on skype and I take the intro."Hey my little peeps!PrincessLiyraMagiks here bringing you a cops and robbers game with all these FABULOUS PLAYERS!!!"I made my little minecraft charater turn to show everyone on the server."I'll bes the wardens Dirts!"We had to call Quinten,Jerome,and Mitch so the teams were even."LEZZGOO!""MITCH!!!IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU!"He laughs at my enthusiasm,I giggle.I am in a cage with Ty,Adam and Quinten in one,Ross and Jason in another,Tyler and Max in another one,and Mitch and Jerome in the final cell."I wanted to be in a cell with my Liy-Liy!"He wined making me giggle."I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME BIGGUMS!!!"Jerome joked around making everyone laugh"Who's the readys?"We all said 'I' and the games started.Barney opened all the cells,until he came to the one I was in with Ty."You twos needs tos dates...I'm nots lettings yous outs."I thought my heart stopped beating,I fell off my chair and just sat there."I hate you Barney...Go die in a hole for all I care."

Adam and everyone made it out quickly,but Barney was guarding the door to keep up from escaping.The robbers lost because of Barney not letting me out of the damn cell with Ty."BARNEY!!!YOU NEVER LET ME OR LIYRA OUT OF OUR CELL!!!IT'S YOUR FAULT YOU JAG!!!"Ty was pissed,I mumbled to my self out loud."I want to be Ty's girlfriend..."Everyone stopped fighting and just stared at me,I left the game out of uncomfortableness."I hate my life..."Jin walked into my door,and smiled."I have something to tell you..."He offered me his hand to stand up,I accepted."Look,if you're here to confess your undying love for me,to bad..."He smirked,then sat on the chouch.I sat next to him,he put his left hand on my leg just above my knee."Ty,Jason,and Tyler are visiting",I literally flipped out!"YES MY BEST FRIENDS IN THE UNIVERSE ARE JOINING MY OTHER BEST FRIENDS IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!THANK YOU SUSHIBOP!!!"He hit me upside the head caus' of the fud ship.HAHAHA!!!I started to laugh and we mostly talked.He went home to sleep,I said 'bye' and changed into a Gast onesie,I tucked my hair into my hood.I went down stairs and was greated by Sky holding a box."Want some cake?!"I of course I tried and LOVED IT!!!

I fell asleep hours later,cause of a sound I woke up.I went down stairs and I saw him,Rick.He was the guy at IHop that made me run into the park."You......I HATE YOU!GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!!"I screamed,I heard Adam's door open.He's standing behind me,ready to take over if things go south."Awww.Does Liyra need her brother to protect her!"He was joking,I could tell.He runs up to me,pushes Adam down and slaps me right across the face,elbows me in the ribs,and kicked me in the gut,knocking the wind out of me.He laughs,evily causing me to flinch,I hated when he did this.Rick used to beat me senseless before pulling me into bed and 'loving' me,I hated my life everyday because of it."Come on...I know you miss me."I smile a very creepy smile and started crying."Ohhh I didn't miss you,I just wanted to KILL YOU!"I tried to stand up,but I felt so much pain.I hear someone knocking on the door,I scream for help.I hear Mitch,Jerome,Ty,and Jason,I hear them counting to 3,then the door being broke down.Wood flew everywhere,Mitch and Jerome took on Rick,Jason helped Sky,who hit the table on his way to the floor,Ty came and helped me up.He smiled,not sure why,I did the same."Ty...-"I was cut off by Rick breaking free of Mitch's and Jerome's grip,I hid behind Ty.I was startled,Ty punched Rick in the nose causing it to bleed.Rick pushed Ty out of the way and hit me in the gut,I coughed up blood.Mitch,Jerome,and Jason finally got a grip on Rick and started to pull him out side,I looked out the window to see Mitch and Jerome knocked him out.I sat criss-cross on the floor,I hear the sirens of police cars and Rick yelling bloody murder at them,Ty picked me up bridal style and pecked me on the lips.I blushed and fell asleep in the ambulance to the hospital,I lost a lot of blood and I couldn't breathe well.I was going to the hospital,I have never been to a hospital.I am absolutely terrified...

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