To Snowdin

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A few days had passed since CHARA started going to school. You enjoyed having her around.

"Hey, (y/n)?" She asked.

"Yea, Char?" You said, looking at CHARA. It was a Saturday and CHARA had a backpack on.

"I'm going to Mom's house. Bye!"

"See you later Chara!" You said, waving.

She got out the door and Sans walked downstairs.

"Whatchya up to, babe?" Sans said. You blushed.

"Oh, not much. You?"

"Heh, just making you turn into a tomato," he replied.

"Well stop! My face will catch fire!" You joked.

"Heh, well, Chara's away, so what do you wanna do?" Sans asked you. You grinned.

"Stay here, watch some TV...unless you gotta better idea?" You said. Sans pondered the thought.

"Eh, I'm too lazy to go anywhere. But uh, we could see the Underground again?"

"Heh, sounds nice!" You said, looking at Sans. He was smiling, like he usually does. You went upstairs to get ready. You put on a (f/c) shirt, blue jeans, and black tennis shoes. You brushed out your hair and grabbed a hair is to put around your wrist. You knew that the underground had three climates: snow, wet, and hot. Vague, but enough to make sure you pack right. You grabbed some water bottles, a coat, and an umbrella, just in case.

"Okay, Sans. I'm good!" You said, reaching the bottom of the stairs. He chuckled.

"Looks like you planned a trip around the world, (y/n). Btw, since the kids are out, I figured we could take Frisk with us. How's about it? They've been dying to see the Underground again," Sans said. You grinned.

"I don't see why not," you said, grinning. You and Sans walked to his house to pick up Frisk. Papyrus left for Undyne's house for his cooking and baking lessons across town with Muffet, which you thought was awful nice of her to offer him her spectacular baking skills! You did enjoy her spider donuts and croissants yourself.

"Okay, where to?" Sans asked. You and Frisk thought on this, and decided on Snowdin.

"Haha! Okay. Home sweet home," Sans said, grabbing your hand and picking up Frisk. He teleported you and Frisk to the snowy town.

He ran to this building and Frisk giggled.

"Classic Sans! Always gotta go to Grillby's! Open or not!" They said, laughing. You chuckled.

"He really loves Grillby's, doesn't he?"

"I'm gonna go explore, make sure he doesn't raid Grillby's for me!" You said, giggling with Frisk.

You had gone to a sparkling spot, but as you approached the light, it disappeared.

"Must be one of those save points Frisk talked about. You gotta have a lot of determination to use it. Apparently I just don't have enough," you thought.

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