18- Skype Call

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4 Months Later- (November)


I've honestly given up hope at this point that I would be found, it's been 4 months and it just seems that things seemed to be getting worse and worse for me. Even with the collar, he still likes to beat me if he thinks I'm not listening to him or Zack. They both seem to like torturing me whenever they can, and they almost are always telling me how I'll 'never see my boyfriend again'.

That's when I felt like crying inside. I think of Sky every day, and I miss him terribly. He was always there if I needed him...he took care of me, and helped me get better, has made me laugh when I needed it....and showed me that people could actually care about others and not just themselves. I feel like if I don't hear his voice, or see him, that I'm just going to go crazy. I can't stand being here, but there's nothing I can do about it.

I'm basically already used to being here again, and being treated like this. It's just to the point where I don't even care about anything anymore including myself, besides my friends and boyfriend, who I imagine probably miss me and are wondering where I am. I still wonder though...if...they're...looking for me? Have they gone back to the way it was before I came into their lives?

Just the thought of that makes me feel lonely....I want Sky to be happy, like he probably was before he met me. Now he's probably just as sad as me and is constantly thinking about me the way I do with him, at least I hope so. I don't want him to be alone, or sad....he doesn't deserve either, he's too nice of a person. 

Do I deserve to be treated like this? My owner's got me thinking so, even though I don't want to think that. I've been told that I'm just a Neko, and that nobody should treat me like a human being. I'm being treated, once again, like a slave.

Within a few minutes, I heard someone walking down the stairs. They stopped halfway down, and it wasn't hard to see that it was my owner.

"Come with me." He said strictly. I mentally sighed before I got up from my spot and started walking towards the stairs. He seemed to think that I knew better than to run away again, and trusted me to walk behind him as we headed up the steps as I followed sullenly.

Already knowing where we were going, I kept my eyes on the floor as we walked. We eventually made it to his room, where I already knew what to expect myself to have to do.


Surprisingly when he was done with me, he let me go out of his room by myself. I didn't want to chance being shocked or beaten if I tried to escape like last time, so I didn't think to attempt it. I walked out of his room with him relaxing on his bed, and I silently closed the door and headed towards the direction of the basement. Though before I opened the door to go back down, I noticed that his computer was turned on, which made me think hopefully. I made my way over to it, and sat down quietly.

I already figured that he wouldn't have Skype on here, since he doesn't really have the need to use it. Instead of downloading it, I just went to the website and quickly made my own account, seeing as how I didn't have one. I just have to hope that he'll answer. Not having anything else, I made my username the same as my Minecraft one, Deadlox, and I put my real name when it asked, except shortened it to just Ty Ellis. 

I bit my lip as I searched for Sky's name in the search box, and quietly sighed in relief when I found the right one. His picture is the same on here like it is on YouTube, with his Minecraft character. I smiled to myself a little before I clicked on his name. Obviously not being friends with him on Skype, he wasn't a contact, so I couldn't tell whether he was online or not. I sucked in a breath as I sent him a message, hoping that he was.

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