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Third Person POV

Elena smashed Katherine's into the pipe burning the side of her face. Katherine yelled out in pain as did Bonnie Bennett. Elena held a stake in her hand.

"No, wait." Katherine begged.

"Goodbye. Katherine." Elena said prepared to stake her doppelganger. She swung the stake towards Katherine but was tackled to the ground.

Elena yelled out as the stake that was once in her hands now in her stomach.

"Don't, touch her." The female vampire growled. Katherine stood there shocked staring at the vampire who wiped the hair out of her face. The vampire looked at Katherine. "Sorry I'm late." She says with a light sigh at the end.

"Natalia." She whispered. The girl smiled, her eyes glazing over. "Natalie." She whispered again stepping forward before wrapping her arms around Natalie letting out a sob, dropping her tough façade. Natalie wrapped her arms around Katherine burying her face into her lover's neck.

They ran to Katherine's apartment. That's where Katherine broke down in Natalie's arms.

"Sh, it's okay I'm here now." Natalie softly said rubbing Katherine's back trying to comfort her.

And that night they curled up in bed together not knowing how long they have together.

"I love you." Katherine told her. The blonde vampire smiled before kissing the brunette.

"I love you too."


Natalie woke up alone in bed. She listened closely to see if she heard Katherine anywhere in the apartment but she didn't. She frowned before wrapping the sheets around her and walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Afterwards she walked out to the living room.

The front door opened a few moments later, Katherine stepped into the apartment.

"Morning sleepy head." Katherine said. Natalie chuckled.

"Morning." She replied with a lopsided smile.

Katherine walked over, wrapping her arms around the blonde.

"I don't know how much time I have so let's not waste it." Natalie said. Katherine smiled which was slightly strained.

"Okay." Natalie grabbed her hand and walked towards the kitchen and sat Katherine down. She surprisingly enough has human food.

"What are you doing?" She questioned as Natalie searched through the fridge, pulling stuff out.

"I am making you breakfast. Considering what you went through you deserve a meal made for you."

"What I went through? You were the one who died." Katherine retorted softly. Natalie's happy, cheerful mood faltered.

"But you were the one who had to witness and deal with it." She shot back cracking an egg into a bowl.

"You were the one who was all alone on the other side. I heard it could drive someone insane." Natalie sighed setting down the whisk.

"Can we stop this? Please?" Natalie begged. "I don't want to fight."

Katherine sighed putting her face in her hands as she sat at the counter.

"I don't either." She responded sighing at the end. "I'm sorry." The blonde lightly smiled at her.

"Apology excepted." She said going back to making breakfast for the two of them.


It was nearing dark.

"Katherine?" Natalie whispered in the dark.


"I've seen what happened after my death." She started off. "Just...don't do anything stupid when I'm gone, please." She continued.

"I can't promise you that."


"Because someone needs to pay. And if it wasn't for that doppelganger of mine you would still be alive." Natalie sighed.

"I know." She sighed. "But Katherine."

"Hm?" Katherine said. But there was no reply. "Nat?" Katherine asked. She leaned over and turned the lamp on. She looked over but Natalie was gone. She looked down.

"Bye." The brunette whispered.


It was dark out when Katherine left for Mystic Falls HS.

Elena stood there looking cautiously around.

Katherine sped behind her. Elena turned around and gasped once she saw Katherine.

"Happy Graduation cupcake." She said before throwing Elena into a door. Katherine grabbed Elena and dragged her into the upper levels of the school then throwing her into a door. Elena groaned in pain.

"What are you doing?" Elena questioned her doppelganger.

"Would you believe I'm having a bad day." Katherine said picking Elena up by the head and swinging her into a locker. Elena stood up, Katherine placed her foot on Elena's throat. "It started when Bonnie denied to bring Natalie back."

"Of course because Katherine Pierce can't be happy without her bitch." She pushed Katherine's foot off and shoved her to the ground. Katherine quickly stood up and shoved Elena into another locker who ripped off a locker door and smacked Katherine in the face with it. Then again in the stomach which she caught.

"I deserved it. I never had a graduation or a prom or, you know, a life, but you did." Katherine stated, head-butting Elena in the face and ripping the locker door from her hands. "You have everything, and it's not because you're a good little girl who deserves happiness. It's because you stole mine." She growled throwing the locker door. Elena ducked just in time for it to get stuck into a door.

"I stole your happiness?" Elena asked in disbelief. "You killed my brother." Katherine ran at Elena who threw her down the all. She quickly got back on her feet.

"I'll admit that was nasty." Elena ran a Katherine who twisted her arm and shoved her head into the trophy case. The glass shattered around Elena's head. She fell to the ground coughing. Katherine walked over to a mop and broke it as Elena tried crawling away.

"I have nothing..." She stabbed Elena in the back with the mop's stick. "But I'm about to change that." She swung her leg forward hitting Elena in the face and flipping her onto her back in the process.

"Oh, kicking someone while they're down. Classy till the end, Katherine."

She chuckled.

"Your end." She stated before stabbing Elena in the throat. She twisted it around and slowly Elena began to lose consciousness. Katherine ripped it out and tossed it to the side before pushing her hand into Elena's chest grabbing her heart. Elena gasped from the pain. "Bye-bye little girl. Now you know how Natalie felt when your new blonde bff dug her hand into her chest and..." She trailed off and ripped out her doppelganger's heart. "Ripped it out." She finished tossing the heart to the side.

Katherine stood up and walked out of the school and left Mystic Falls without looking back


And that my friends is the end of this story and please don't hate me too much for the ending.

Check out my other stories plz if you have the chance.


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