Chapter 3

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Abby's P.O.V

When I woke up, I just smiled. Today was the day that One Direction, my idols, would be in my house. I had already packed my stuff for New York. We were going to stay in Simon's flat until we get our own. I picked up my phone and saw that I had three messages. One from Nick, one from Simon, and one from an unknown number. I clicked Nick's text. "Hey. Are you awake? We're going to be there in about an hour. See ya! xx" I just realized that I had overslept. I checked Simon's text, which was basically the same thing as Nick's text, and clicked the unknown number. "Hi Abby. It's Liam. I just wanted to say that I'm looking forward to meeting you today. Much love! xx" I just stared at the text. Liam Payne had texted me. One of the boy's that I fangirled over everyday. This really was a dream come true.

"I have to hurry." I thought to myself. I ran into the bathroom to get in the shower. Once I got out, I went in my room to pick out an outfit. After 10 minutes of trying to find clothes that I thought would impress the boys, I dried and fixed my hair with my elaborate make-up routine following. Once I was ready, I went in the kitchen to brew some tea. "Ten minutes." I said out loud. I got a poptart out of the pantry and chowed down, trying to hurry. Once I was done, I poured 10 cups of tea, fixing them to everyone's liking. I already knew what the boys liked in their tea, I am a directioner, you know.I labeled the cups and brought all of the tea out to the living room and my mom came down the stairs.

"Hey honey. Are you excited?" My mom asked me.

"Of course I am!" I replied.

"Well will you look at that." My mom said. "You're growing up." My mom started to cry.

"Mom, I'm 21. I've been grown up."

"No, it's just that you followed your dreams. I never had a chance to. I love you so much." We hugged for a solid minute, crying into each others shoulders.

"Thanks mom." I chuckled. "You ruined my mascara." She laughed and picked up the tea cup with her name on it. I was upstairs touching up my make-up when I heard a knock on the door.

"I got it!" My mom yelled up to me. I heard my mom greet someone and sit them down. I came downstairs to see Nick and his mom sipping on some tea. When Nick saw me, he immediately ran up to me and hugged me. We sat back down and there was another knock on the door. Nick and I looked at each other, fangirling on the inside. My mom went to the door and opened it to Simon and the boys. They filed into the living room. I was putting a death grip on Nick's hand, trying not to scream. The boys sat on the massive sofa and Simon sat on a recliner. They each found their tea cups and were surprised to see them already fixed.

"Em, how did you know what we drink in our tea?" Louis asked.

"Umm." I began to panic.

"It was probably a lucky guess. Right Abby?" Liam spoke up.

"Uh, yeah. A lucky guess." I sighed and Simon pulled out some papers.

"Alright. So let's discuss your contracts. You will both have to stay with us for 5 years. You will both go on tour with One Direction this year, and you'll both get celebrity makeovers. You'll have stylists, bodyguards, and next year, you can headline at your own concerts."

"Is that all?" Nick asked.

"Pretty much. All you'll need to do is come up with ten songs each for the tour. Five original songs and five covers"

"That shouldn't be a problem. We both write our own music." I said. Nick agreed and Simon set two stacks of paper in front of us. We signed everywhere that he pointed and we were done. Once we were finished, we handed our contracts back and I looked at the boys. Harry caught my eye. He was staring at Nick. He looked over at me, blushed and stared at the ground. I smiled and looked back at Simon. He shook hands with our moms and looked at us.

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