Chapter 4

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Nick's P.O.V

We finished our steaks and looked at the desert menu. The waitress took our order and Harry and I decided to just share one desert. We were almost stuffed, but as Harry said "But it's your biiiirthday" we were forced to stay longer.

"Are we still going to be picked up out back?" I asked Harry.

"Yeah, I think so." As soon as he said that, a girl in the restaurant frantically pulled out her phone. This worried me. People were "sneaking" pictures and I was sure the whole desert thing would start a Nirry rumor. The waitress brought us our chocolate molten lava cakes, but mine was different. It had a candle in it. Suddenly, a few of the servers came over to our table to sing "Happy Birthday." I looked at Abby, suspecting her. She looked back at me and shrugged. I looked at Harry, he was cheekily grinning at me.

"Oh my God Harry, you're so cheeky." I smiled and playfully slapped him. As I did that, another click of a camera was heard. I looked over at a girl that quickly turned around. I looked down at the cake and Harry cut it in half. We stuck our spoons in the warm cake and scarfed it down.

"I guess I wasn't as full as I thought." I said as I leaned back in my chair. I looked at the entrance and noticed about half of the girls were gone. I guess they gave up. Harry paid our check and we got up. He told the whole table that we were going to the back side and that we'd pick them up at the front. Harry led me to the back door and opened it. He stopped and looked at the entrance.

"Um, Nick. We're kind of surrounded." I looked at him scared. "Nick, I know you're scared, but you'll have to get used to it. You're famous now. You're safe with me, I promise. Just stay behind me. Okay?" I agreed and held on to his shirt tail as we walked outside. The fans were screaming at the top of their lungs and touching us. Paps were there too, trying to talk down to us and make us cause a scene with them. One comment got to me though.

"Hey faggots! How was your first date?" I almost stopped dead in my tracks. I shook away the comment and tried to walk on, but fans had separated me and Harry. One of them pushed me and I fell to the ground. I started to cry due to pain and the claustrophobia.

"Back the fuck off!" I heard Harry yell. He parted the crowd in front of me and helped me to my feet. We got through the rest of the crowd together and got in the limo. I basically fell into the seat and cried on Harry's shoulder. He pulled me in for a hug and I cried into him. Lights were flashing outside the windows, capturing the hug on film. Mark slowly pulled away and my tears subsided. I looked at Harry's shirt and realized that I had soaked it with tears.

"I'm so sorry." I managed to say through sniffles. He pulled me in again and I cried harder. He lifted up my arm and I looked to see why. It was bleeding pretty bad from the fall. He opened a cabinet above the seat and pulled out a Band-Aid and some rubbing alcohol. Mark was still trying to move, but the girls surrounded the car. Harry rubbed the alcohol on my cut and put the Band-Aid over it. He smiled at me and reassured me that everything was okay. He pulled my head to his shoulder and waited until I stopped crying. The cops showed up and cleared a way for us. We drove around to the front to see the barriers dividing the fans. Mark honked and the rest of the group piled in the car. Mark drove away and Ashton was the first to speak up.

"Where are we going tonight?"

"We're gonna celebrate Nick's birthday! He's turning 21 tonight." Louis replied.

"Oh that's awesome!" Jesy replied. Everyone got their champagne and Harry poured two glasses.

"Nick, you're almost twenty one, you'll be fine to have one glass." He handed me the glass and I looked at the bubbling drink and looked back at Harry. I lifted the glass to my lips and took a sip. Everyone was staring at me, anticipating a reaction. I took a bigger drink and everyone cheered.

"Let's party!" Niall yelled. We pulled up to the rooftop club and walked to the front of the line. Women with barely any clothes on and too much make up on stood in line.

"Do they all look like homeless clowns?" I whispered to Harry. He laughed out loud and we got to the entrance. The bouncer automatically let us in because we were celebrities. We rode the elevator to the top and walked onto the roof. Harry, Abby, Jesy, and I walked over to the bar while everyone else met up with other people. The bartender took everyone's order and turned to me. I was about to order a water when Harry interrupted.

"He'll have a cosmopolitan." He took our ID's and made the drinks. We walked back onto the floor and met up with everyone.

"Alright everyone!" Abby yelled. "Let's sing Happy Birthday to Nick!" I blushed and everyone sang. It was probably the best Happy Birthday ever sang. I mean, Little Mix, 5SOS, One Direction, and Abby Torres? It was angelic. Everyone clapped and a cake was brought out.

"Um, how exactly do I have a cake?" I asked.

"We stopped on the way to dinner." Perrie said. I blew out the candles and the group cheered. The cake was evenly distributed and "Don't Drop That Thun Thun" came on. Most of the girls went to the dance floor and started to twerk. I had finished my cosmopolitan and Harry smiled. He put his drink down and started to twerk. I started to crack up.

"Hey Harry, I thought you would've learned your lesson from the VMA's!" Abby said, sounding a little sloshed already. Everyone laughed and a server brought us a crazy amount of shots. He set them down and I picked one up. I was already starting to feel weird. I was dizzy, but I was happy. Every one slammed down shots, except Harry. He wasn't drinking much. I started to dance when someone spilt their drink on my pants. I turned around angrily but laughed when I saw Harry.

"Nick I am so sorry."

"N-no. It's fine." I said slurred. He put his hand on my shoulder and guided me to the bathroom. He pushed the door open and grabbed some paper towels. He rubbed the wet spots and I blushed. He rubbed the front of my pants and noticed the hardening in my pants. He blushed as well and kept rubbing, trying to dry my pants.



"Wh-Why don't we go in the stall." I looked down at him and smiled. He blushed and turned away.

"Um, okay." He stood up and went in the giant stall. I grabbed his shirt collar and pushed him against the wall. He smiled and bit his bottom lip. We made out. I thought it would go farther, so I started to take off my pants. I felt amazing and didn't want it to stop now. That kiss was amazing.

"Nick, stop." I looked at him confused. "You're drunk and horny. You won't even remember this in the morning. You're pants are dry and we need to go back outside. Everyone is probably wondering where we are." He walked hurryingly out the door, leaving me in the bathroom by myself. I stumbled back out and onto the dance floor. I started dancing on the first person I came across, I was going to make Harry regret turning me down. It turned out to be Jesy. We danced some more and it was time to go. We piled back into the limo and Jesy and I made out in front of Harry. He looked at us, it was obvious he was upset by it. We made silly lovey dovey remarks all the way to our hotel for the night. We got out, stumbling and laughing into the lobby. Harry, being almost sober, got all of our keys. When we got up to our rooms, Harry went in his and slammed the door as hard as he could. More stuff slammed in his room and everyone was worried. Jesy and I went into a room and locked the door. She went to kiss me, but I tripped over the bed. We laughed and she started to take off her clothes. I was really uncomfortable. I laid down on the bed and pretended to sleep.

"Well, he is drunk. I guess we'll talk in the morning." I was confused as to what she meant. She crawled in the bed. I wanted to tell her to get out, but I kept pretending to sleep. Finally, after pondering on the kiss with Harry, I dozed off next to a drunk Jesy.

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