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Liam's POV

"so, what did you want to talk to me about?" Louis asks as he climbs into bed with me. "if it has to do with people accepting us, then just shut up. We've already had this talk a thousand times."

"It's not about that. I was just thinking... you know... about kids."

"Liam you do understand that we can't produce a kid right?" He asks on the verge of bursting out laughing.

"I know. I just, I want to adopt."

"Liam, I'm all for that idea since I have three little sisters and I helped take care of them but will you be able to handle it?"

"I may not at the moment but you could always teach me." say and make a pouty face at him.

"you seem very heasitant toward this. Are you sure you're up for the task?"

"I'm more than sure. I'm a responsible lad and I love kids. With your experience we could make this work."

He sighs and then looks at me. "but when they're older and tell everyone that they have two dads, will you be okay with her or him attempting to kill themselves because they can't make friends?"

"Lou-boo, remember I'm the best guidance counselor around. I've got this handled."

"sorry, I forgot you quit being a PE teacher last week."

"yeah because I was too old and I let myself go."

"You're in great shape still." He said and lifted my shirt to reveal my slightly defined abs. He kissed my stomach and then laid on my chest. "and the answer is yes."

"Uhhh... what were we talking about again?" I say. With his delicate fingers touching me in places I haven't  been touched in months, I sorta forgot what we were talking about.

"Adopting. Yes we can adopt. But do you want a boy or girl?"

"Well what do you want?" I ask and ruffle his hair.

"I want a boy but I want to know what you want."

"I sorta want a girl."

"Well we can get a girl and raise it to be a tomboy."

"You know that you can't control that?" I ask him.

"I'm Superman remember?" He said and looked up at me with seductive eyes.

"Not this again." I say and flop my head back on the pillow.

He giggled and got out of bed. He took off his clothes and put on his blue one-piece with red briefs over that. He tied his cape around his neck and fixed his hair to make the curl.

"Did someone say Superman?" He asked and jumped up on the bed.

"yeah, you did." I say and laugh.

"Will you be my Lois tonight?" He asked as he knelt beside me and grabbed my hand.

"Only if you turn back into Louis and take off your clothes for me."

"Who's Louis? I'm Superman and always am."

"well then there won't be and Lois in your future." I say and cross my arms.

He stands back up and jumps to the floor.

"Stay right there and don't move a muscle." He demands.

"aye-aye Superman." I say and he pulls his cape over his head and walks into the bathroom.

He comes out with nothing on he struts over to the bed.

"Hey Lou." I say.

"no, I'm Clark Kent." He says with sass.

"Whatever my sexy love monkey. Get your perfect ass over her and undress me."

"with pleasure."He says.

A devious smile on his face. Oh lord, am I in for a treat tonight!


A/N        So, I hoped you liked it. I sorta just came up with half of that on the spot. I realized that I haven't updated in a very long time and I know for a fact that you guys loved the first one so I made a second. Thanks for all the support on the first. I have around 10,400 reads on the first and I'm stoked to find out how many more reads I'll have on this one. I love you guys! Peace out chicas. It's time for me to get to bed. Night!

Can You Help Me? (Sequel to LMHY)Where stories live. Discover now