Locker Room Love

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Fuck you guys! You didn't vote but because I feel happy because a guy actually wants to hang out with me (and he's in college) I'll update. Here you go!



When Riley came back to class to grab his bag, I called him over to my desk.

"I called your dad." I told him.

"I don't give a fuck. You can do whatever you want. I'm not going to college so grades don't matter to me."

"Well I'm still having a meeting with him. You can go to second."

"I'll probably just go out back and have a smoke. Fuck school."

"You're going to get it. Trust me, I know your dad better than you do."

"You probably do." He says and walks out of my classroom.

I feel sorry for him. He doesn't have a relationship with his dad. Well neither did I but my dad wasn't around. At least he lives with his dad. He doesn't know how lucky he is.

As the next class piles in I start getting ready for my lesson.



I walk to my next class which is gym. I have it with Kendall. He's going to get it bad today because he squealed to Liam. I open the door to the Locker rooms and sat down on the bench that faced where Kendall was. Class was about a minute away from starting so the locker room was pretty much empty. There were only two other people in here but they ran when they saw me.

"Hey Kendall, I heard you told someone about me. Why'd you do it?"

"You hurt me."

"But you like it rough don't you? So what if you come out with a few bruises, you like me right?" I spit angrily.


"Turn around and face me. I wanna see if you mean it."

He turns and faces me. He's shirtless so I gaze down his milky white skin.

"You like what I do to you right?"

"Yes." He says and I walk over to him.

"Then why'd you tell?"

"I don't know." he says and I pull him closer to me so our chests are touching. "You're really rough and  I don't like it."

"What if I went slow? Would you like it then?"

"Maybe." He says and I smirk.

"I love nerds.They're so... adorable."

I kiss his temple and he kisses my cheek. I can tell he wants me right now. He never moved before.

"Are you anxious?" I ask.

"I need you Connor. Slowly."

WARNING: This is going to get steamy...

I kiss his pink plump lips and he kisses back. He kisses me hungrily and I caress his back as he kisses all over my face and neck. I was getting really needy down there as he kisses down my body. I slam him against the lockers and look him in his dark eyes.

"I need you down there."

"Already?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

He pushes me down on the bench I was previously sitting on and kisses down my stomach as he unbuckles my belt. Just then I hear the door open and Riley peeks around the corner.

"Sorry, I was just going to ask you something but I see you're busy." Riley says and turns to walk out.

"What did you want?" I ask and he turns around.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to go smoke with me. Maybe ditch school for the rest of the day."

"Give me a second." I tell him and he smirks.

I stand up and drag Kendall to the bathroom area. He gives me a quick blow job and then I clean up. I grab my shirt and pull it back on and then I walk to Riley.

"I'm ready." I tell him and he grabs my hand.

"Lets go then." He says and pulls me out the side door.

"So, what did you have in mind?" I ask when he hands me a blunt.

"Well, It looks like you already did the fun things so maybe we could go to a club. It'll be less crowded because there aren't many people that want to party at nine in the morning on a Monday."

"I'm not much of a partier."

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah. I'm more of a going to the gym and watching tv kind of guy."

"You're so much more of a pussy than I thought you were."

"Well thanks." I say sarcastically.

"Sorry, did I break your fragile ego?" He asks and puffs a cloud from his blunt.

"No. I can just prove you wrong very easily."

"Oh really?" He asks and steps closer to me. "Prove it by telling the whole school you're gay."

"Why? I'd rather go and do some stupid shit than confess that."

"alright pussy." He says and puts his blunt out. "Better get back to that boyfriend of yours. He's probably freezing standing there in only his boxers."

"I'm not his boyfriend. More like a fucking buddy."

"But you like him?"

"No. I've got my eyes on someone else."

"Well, maybe that person has eyes for you too." He says cockily and walks off while I stand there holding my unlit blunt.

"Wait, I'll prove I'm gay." I tell him and he turns.

"I thought you might." he says and runs over to me and pecks my lips. "Get on it fag." He says and squeezes my ass.


Guys, My story is now rated R. So hopefully you have it saved to your librabry because some of you won't be able to get to it now. So, Tell me if you like it because I was extrememly bored in PE and I decided to space out. I stared at the door to the boy's locker room and it just came to me. Don't judge me. It's not my fault I have perverted friends that make me think of this shit. Well I hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to...





Thanks again!

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