Harry Returns

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I hope everyone had a good valentines day! Here's the update that you guys have been waiting for.


Liam's POV

I arrive back at school just as it is being dismissed. I walk into the building and go to my office quickly to drop off my crap and then I rush to Louis' room. He's been trying to call me all day but I didn't have my phone on. I walk in and I stop dead in my tracks.

Harry's here.

He looks over and spots me. A small smile makes its way onto his face and he bites his bottom lip. I look behind me and hope to see Zayn or some hot girl, but no. He was staring straight at me and he looked turned on. Uh oh.

"Hey." He says and walks over to me.

"Hey." I say back. He hugs me and I hug him back. He held on a second too long and Zayn tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey Zayn." I say and we do the bro hug. Harry's hug was waaaaay too intimate for me. It was even more intimate than Louis' and mine. It is starting to make me uncomfortable.

"Babe, why weren't you answering my texts?" Louis asks as I step away from Zayn.

"I was in a meeting and I didn't feel it vibrate."

"Okay. You just had me worried. I thought something happened to you."

"I'm fine. How was your day?" I ask and then kiss him.

He kisses back and it was heavenly but then the door opened so we pulled away. It was just Riley.

"Where were you? You were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago." Harry scolds his son.

"I was with a friend."


"None of your business. Now what is this about you screaming at your teacher and running away from him?"

"I was just messing around. Calm down."

"I am calm. I'm just asking you questions."

"whatever. So, how long is this going to be? I have somewhere else to be."

"You aren't going anywhere for a while."

"Then can I go and tell him to go home?"

"Quickly, but come right back." Harry tells him and Riley walks out.

After ten minutes Riley still isn't back.

"I'm going to go look for him." Harry says.

"I'll come with you so you don't get lost." I jump right in.

He smiles and we both walk into the hall. We don't spot them so we keep walking. We pretty much walk the entire school when Harry stops.

"What?" I ask as I turn around.

"You're a guidance counselor?"

"Yeah. What are you?"

"An attorney."

"That explains the suit."

"Yeah. Can I go check out your office?"

"Sure." I say and pull out my keys.

I push open the door and he walks in. He looks around in amazement.... well at least starts to.

"your office is boring as fuck."

"I know."

"I'm going to help you fix this up. It's so bland."

"You don't need to." I tell him and walk over to my window.

Can You Help Me? (Sequel to LMHY)Where stories live. Discover now