Chapter 27

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I sat up quickly and a huge pain grew in my head. I saw a doctor with a click board.


I looked around and saw I was in a hospital room.

"Oh good you're up! I um, sadly you have multiple bruisings and a broken arm. You um also have a prosthetic leg. It works like normal and your um head is wrapped up, you have a concision, but you are alright!, I am sorry i just became a doctor and I don't really know how to deliver news.."

My leg.

It's gone.

I can never dance.

I choked in my sob, I couldn't stop. Why should I stop! I'm done





Could this get any worse?

"Are you friends with mr simpson?"

I nodded

"He is on meth, a very dangerous drug. he is in recovery and I am sorry to say, but he Lost his memory. He hit his head very hard. It's not for sure though, it may come back at the most randomness time."

"Can I I ask who ddid this? Do yyou know you hhit us?"

He nodded. "Borice Blajevski. "

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