Chapter 1- Met you

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Chapter 1:

Met you.

The day I die, you will read these letters. You will know what I felt during our time together. I know you knew how much I cared about you, but just not how much. So, Harry, here's where it began. When I first laid eyes on you. When I first met you.

It was a fall morning in Central Park. A great morning to be outside in the cool breeze. I was walking my dog, trying to hold onto the leash. But you knew my dog, the crazy one he was.

As it flew out of my hand, and ran straight ahead of me full speed, I thought, how am I supposed to catch him?

So I ran after him, but he was too fast for my tiny legs. I squinted, looking in the far distance, when I see my dog being stopped by a figure. The person, holding onto the leash, looked around for any sign of an owner. As he looked my way I waved a hand in the air for him to notice me.

I finally caught his attention and we walked towards each other. I noticed the curly hair hiding behind his beanie, a few curls sticking out from the side. I thought it looked like the most adorable thing ever, but I kept the comment to myself not wanting to be embarrassed.

How have I not seen him around? I come here everyday, and know most of the people here, I thought. I ignored the thought and walked up to him.

Once we approached one another, he handed me the leash and I held onto it with all my might not wanting this incident to happen again.

Thank you sir, I said, being my polite self.

Call me Harry, he said. I finally looked up to make eye contact, and met those green eyes of yours. The ones I could get lost to. The ones I could read like a book. When you were happy, angry, upset, I could always decipher it by just a look into your eyes.

As I broke eye contact I thanked you again and walked away, feeling embarrassed.

I felt a bit flustered after that. I always regretted not getting your number, but I was never the boyfriend type girl. I guess you could say I was a nerd. Was never good with boys or talking to them in any shape or form.

But either way you excepted me.

But things happen for a reason don't they? After that incident, there were many things, that I believe were suppose to happen the way they did.

Don't you think so too? I'm sure do. Well til next time.

Yours Truly,

Anna Caroline xx



As I finished reading the letter, the tears were pouring down my face.

At the beginning of the letter I broke down, but is too much.

I imagine her writing these, her small delicate hands writing everything she felt and remembered about our first encounter.

She'd always loved to write, and I know she loved writing this.

I wiped the tears that dropped non-stop down my face, but couldn't stop the others from falling down like a constant waterfall down my cheeks.

I felt like throwing the letters away. They stored too many memories that I couldn't handle. But for some reason I couldn't bring myself to do that. I knew better than to do that. This might be the closest thing I have to her right now, the closest thing to her presence. The only thing that can actually speak for her.

Everything else is just a reminder that she's gone. Nothing helps me smile, because it reminds me of the good old times.

These letters may hold things that will make me go mad, but as I read the first one, I couldn't help but hear her say the words. Watch her write them. Watch her remember and smile at the thought.

And with thinking of that, I fold the papers neatly and place them somewhere safe to read later.

When I'm ready.

Yours Truly, •Harry Styles• *paused*Where stories live. Discover now