Chapter 3

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After we straightened ourselves out Rachel said she had to leave to get ready for tonight, leaving me alone surfing through channels.

Right in the middle of my show I heard the front door open and the thunder of dozens of heavy feet. Bolting to my feet I sprinted off of the couch and peaked around the corner to see who had come in.

My Dad was already there and looked rather stiff and serious like someone told him we were out of beef jerky. Our Alpha Bruce Sharptooth was there as well, looking mutedly angry and had his fist clenched so tight his knuckles turned white.

With them were strange men in dark clothing, all of them had mean looking faces and scars on either their face, hands, or arms for those who wore a T-shirt. Why were some wearing T-shirts, it's winter outside and cold enough to freeze your tail off. I noticed they looked sweaty and out of breath, suggesting they were out for a run in wolf form and only had a T-shirt to wear with them.

However none of them looked cold, like their whole lives they've been subjected to freezing cold temperatures and this was merely a slight chill biting against their skin.

On all of those with bare arms I saw a black tattoo covering their upper arms, which were all very well defined in muscle. The pattern was one of another pack and looked like a bunch of black flames and swirls, this tattoo meant something though.

It means these men were members of the Red Druid pack and that also meant I needed to get out of there before any of them saw me or I could possibly become an object of interest.

Just a second longer.

Alpha Bruce stepped forward and I could feel the vibrations from his voice resonating up my bones, unfortunately I wasn't able to see who he was addressing without completely disregarding the fact I needed to stay hidden.

"Welcome to Silver Claw's pack house. I'm sure you'd like to rest before tonight's event so if you don't mind following-Wait! That's the way to the living room Alpha Hunter, your rooms are upstairs!" Alpha Bruce called out.

Everyone's eyes followed in my direction and the Red Druid pack members as well as my own locked cold eyes with me, my fathers eyes were filled with horror and worry desperately trying to wish me to disappear into thin air.

Time to go.

Running to the back door I heard footsteps come closer, like someone was tracking my movements through the house, trying to sniff me out. Opening the door I didn't even bother to close it I just skidded outside into the snow and ran for my house.

I shifted mid-run my clothes tearing and being discarded in the back yard of the pack house, someone will pick those up for me.

Galloping to the edge of the woods I heard in the distance, back at the pack house, a roar that nearly made me lose my footing. I swear the ground trembled with vibrations from that roar and my heart filled itself with fear, fear for whatever demon was lurking within that house.

Regaining my bearings I keep up with my strong pace towards my cabin and didn't dare look back at the horrors that could've awaited me back at the my old childhood home if I dared stayed another minute.

Only when I reached my cabin did I slow down and start to relax, whatever made that noise really stirred up my wolf who was unable to stop chatting to me.

"What do you think that was?" Magara asked curious for my opinion, but she already knew what I thought, she just wanted me to say it.

"I think it was Alpha Hunter from the Red Druids pack." I barely whispered in my head, I didn't want him to be here in my old house with my parents and friends.

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